Chapter 3

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Dazai watched the waves of the ocean slosh around as he thought to himself. He never thought he would be in this position ever. He never wanted to, especially after what happened to Odasaku. He didn't want to go back to the dark. He wanted to stay in the light and have his two mates with him in the light. Except he knew that was no longer possible. He probably should speak with the president about everything he knows to let him be warned in advance about what is going to happen. He would also need to apologize to his coworkers once everything is done. He growled to himself as he gripped the matchbox that was in the pocket of his tan coat. He felt deeply upset that he had to break the promise he made to Odasaku but he was sure Odasaku would understand. He had to protect his mates. He sighed as the sun set over the river reminding him he needed to be home. He wished he never delved deeper into Mori's plans. It reminded him too much of what Mori did with Odasaku. Now though he knew and he would prevent it from happening again.

Chuuya glanced at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time. He was worried as Dazai hadn't come home last night and he still wasn't back. He was getting anxious though he tried not to show it. Atsushi was currently snuggled up to him wrapped in a blanket. He looked like a little weretiger burrito. He smiled at the sight of his mate. He needed to stay calm for the omega as it would do good to worry the boy. He nuzzled the top of Atsushi's head with a sigh grabbing the attention of the omega. He moved his head back when Atsushi leaned his head back. He looked at him with concerned purple gold eyes. Eyes that Chuuya could get lost in easily.

"Are you alright?" He could hear the strain in Atsushi's voice as it had yet to fully heal. He was so proud that Atsushi was even able to talk again. It has been the greatest gift he could have ever received, to hear his soulmate talking to him again. His sweet and calming voice. After Atsushi regained his voice Dazai and he had helped the omega with getting his voice stronger. Chuuya remembers when Dazai dragged Atsushi to Yosano to make sure that everything was fine with the omega. Their poor mate was dragged along with a squeak before being examined. Yosano had given the clear which meant Dazai and Chuuya could have Atsushi talk as much as the omega wanted to. They had the omega talk to them constantly just so they could hear his voice. Especially when they went to bed. It helped relax the two alphas before they went to sleep. He looked down into Atsushi's eyes with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. I am just fine Angel." He kissed Atsushi's forehead causing the younger one to blush lightly. Chuuya could feel himself swoon in his head as he looked at the cuteness in front of him. He waited until Atsushi focused back onto the tv before pulling out his phone and shooting the Mackerel a text. He hoped the alpha came back soon. He sighed bringing his attention to the tv as well.

Dazai continued to watch the waves until the sound of his phone went off. He glanced at the text and smile softly at it. It was a picture of Chuuya and Atsushi snuggling with a caption telling him he needed to get home so he didn't miss Atsushi's cuddles. Which in his opinion were the best cuddles ever. He might as well enjoy it while it lasts. He only had so much time before he puts his plan into action. Little did he know that a certain detective knew what he was doing and planned on telling two people who would absolutely disagree with Dazai.

He walked home with a slight skip in his step as he was thinking about his two mates waiting for him in Chuuya's apartment. He was going to soak up as much attention from his mates as he could. He knew once his mates find out what he was doing they would be angry but he didn't care. He had to do it for them. They mean the world to him. He would burn the whole world down for them just so they could live peacefully. Atsushi and Chuuya had lived with too much heartache to go through more. He would protect them, he won't let himself lose anyone else.

(He didn't know that he would come close to losing one of his mates again in the very near future.)

"Chibi! Darling! I am home and I want cuddles!!" He exclaimed as soon as he stepped into the apartment. He hung up his coat while taking his shoes off, not bothering to straighten them. He waltzed into the living room to see a precious sight that made him stop in his tracks. He quickly ripped his phone out of his pocket so he could take a picture of the sight. Chuuya had his arms wrapped around an Atsushi burrito sleeping. Atsushi curled up in Chuuya's arms sleeping as well but what made the sight adorable was their hands interlaced with each other on Chuuya's lap near Atsushi's face. He lowered his phone and stared memorized by the scene. He had a soft fond smile on his face as he continued to watch his mates. He quietly walked over to them and moved them so they were laying down. He took off his bolo tie and belt to get comfortable. He moved so he was beside Chuuya and Atsushi was on the redhead's chest. He wrapped his arms around the both of them and cosed his eyes. He didn't fall asleep no matter how much he wanted to take a nap. He just laid there basking in his mates' warmth.

This was the reason he was doing what he is doing. He wanted to protect this. This happy bubble of warmth and safety. Something he had always longed to have. The reason he wants to live each day. His soulmates. He kissed the top of the chibi's head before kissing his kitten's head. He only openly showed his emotions to his mates and no one else. No one else saw his mental breakdowns. Saw his darkest days. He only let the ADA members see so much and even when he let them in he made it out to be a joke. Only his mates get to see him at his worst. He knew he could trust them with it. They all had been through so much together. Granted he and Chuuya were the reason Atsushi went through so much, to begin with. He squeezed them tightly as he thought back to when Atsushi was in the hospital. When he and Chuuya almost lost the light of their life. Atsushi has truly become the beacon to both alphas. He made the world brighter with his outlook on life and how he saw them both. Atsushi was truly what he and Chuuya were missing. He was definitely the missing piece. His smile brightened the day when it was cold and dark. His hugs and kisses could cheer up both alphas in seconds. The best part was the cuddles. It was like being wrapped in the biggest, most, fluffiest blanket that made someone feel warm, safe, and loved.

He smiled when he felt Chuuya and Atsushi snuggle closer to him. It made him feel accepted and loved. He opened his eyes just so he could watch his mates sleep peacefully. He ingrained this into his memory so he could remember it at a later date. Wrapped around his mates made him feel like nothing could go wrong and he would protect that feeling. He would hold it close to his heart. He won't let the light in his mates eyes snuff out. He loved them too much to let anything happen to them. He will end Mori and put a stop to the craziness that has befallen the Port Mafia boss. Damn did he not want to step back into the darkness but he will. For the sake of his mates and for the city. He would be damned if they got hurt under his watch especially Atsushi as he still was learning how to use his ability.

(Thing was he would have no control over what happens next. It happens so quickly and it was agonizing to watch. It would be something that breaks him and Chuuya.)

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