The Strength Of One's Soul in Maddening Darkness

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[volume 0 chapter 2]

Ya know, I think this is the one month anniversary of me arriving at this world.

How fitting it is then that my aura finally got unlocked the day before.

Speaking of aura, I've been figuring out how to use it.

I'm starting with the basic stuff first like bringing it out to use as a protective barrier but it's hard to maintain it because whenever I lose focus it stops doing it's thing but I think I just need to practice, the books do say that it becomes second nature after a while.

And while I do want to play around a little bit with the more complicated stuff and see what I can do with the usage of dust, I want to have good control of my aura first so I don't accidentally blow myself up.

Said books said that aura can be used to enhance the physical capabilities of a person so I guess I'll try that next.

I also got to say, although I'm not used to it yet, manipulating aura comes strangely easily, but when you think about it I guess makes sense as it's literally a part of your soul.

Anyway, back to physical enhancement via soul juice.

I channel my aura into my legs and jumped forward.

And holy fuck did I move fast as shit.

Like, I myself could barely keep up with how fast I moved.

I did manage to avoid slamming myself into a wall, luckily.

And after a few minutes of hopping/running around I had gotten used to the speed and was having fun hopping the rooftops of the abandoned town.

But as fun as it was I could feel that my aura reserves we're getting low. So I stopped.

While I walked back to the library/base I felt my aura slowly recovering, which left me with another question to add to my growing collection.

Where is the energy coming from.

Like, according to a law that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head energy can not be created or destroyed.

The soul generates aura but that HAS to take at least a decent chunk of energy to do so.

And that brings me to my point, where is it getting that energy from.

My first thought was food but I doubt that as: how do you convert the chemical energy you get from food into esoteric soul juice anyways?

A more grim idea was something that is also esoteric such as life force or natural life span but I doubt that the inhabitants of this world would widely use a power that Kills you at the ripe old age of 40 because you used a fuckton of aura.

Or at least do so and have knowledge on how to unlock it widely available without some kind of warning.

In any case I can't seem to think of  a answer at the moment so I guess I'll shelf that question for future me to figure out.

After arriving home I was feeling drained so I went inside so I could so some more reading on the subject matter of aura. Or more specifically, semblances.

(Minor timeskip)

Y'know, I thought that the extent aura was lacking and generally unexplored but it has nothing compared to the sheer lack of concrete knowledge or even theory's in general regarding semblances.

Like, other than that fact that they 1. Use aura as fuel 2. Are unique to each person and 3. Occasionally 'evolve' for some reason.

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