Little announcement

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I know this is a bit short, but I wanted to mention— number one, this is a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE video game type story. There will be gore and death and other slightly triggering topics, like cannibalism and such from the zombies. Please, if ANY of that triggers you, do not, and I mean, DO NOT continue reading this story. I'm warning you all beforehand so that you don't continue reading and end up seeing something triggering that upsets you. I will try my best to mention in chapters if triggering topics are going to be mentioned, but I advise that you just keep in mind that this story will be gorey and gruesome. Thank you.

Number two, if you wish to know what kind of stats and such that Bakugou, Hinako, Iida, and Astraea have in this story, the next four chapters after Chapter One will each be dedicated to one of these four characters, describing their stats and all. If you do not wish to read that, you can skip ahead to chapter two. Other than that, happy reading!!

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