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Scarlett groaned as she rolled over, her calloused hand smacking the top of the alarm clock multiple times before it finally quit screaming at her. Rubbing her face with her hands, her arms flopped to the sides as she looked to the ceiling. The white popcorn almost taunting her; she wished desperately that she could be out on the water right now, in her on board cabin with the waves rocking the boat gently enough to rock her back to sleep.

But instead she was at her dinky lake cabin, the waves crashing against the shore line outside her window doing little to sooth her. She hated land. But tonight she would be flying back to the coast and begin her greatest adventure to date; the day after, she would finally be disembarking for a few months to search for her greatest adventure.

Throwing the bland earth toned covers aside, she swung her feet over the side of the bed and landed against the soft tan carpet. Throwing open her balcony doors, the subtle scent of freshwater and seaweed floated to her nose, a smile making an appearance across her features. Making her way across the small room, she pushed open the solid oak door that lead into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Scar!" Yelena Belova greeted, a smile on her soft lips as she flipped over a pancake. The small log cabin smelled heavily of the flapjacks, making the home smell like heaven to Scarlett.

"Morning Yelena. Ready to fly out to the coast tonight?" She greeted, pulling her long blonde hair into a messy bun on top of her head; a few strands falling short and framing her slim face.

Yelena Belova has always been Scarlett's right hand woman since day one. She was the first person to welcome Scarlett to the crew onboard the SS Lee; and the first person to congratulate her when she found the RMS Wakanda.

"Damn right. I'm already packed!" she exclaimed, her thick accent weighing heavy with her words as she slid a plate filled with the homemade pancakes towards her.

"So here's how we're going to do this; we have to go run and pick up Kate, and Pepper from downtown." Yelena interrupted her with a pointed fork and a raised eyebrow. "And yes your sister. But I already have all of our tickets ready and I flew out last week to make sure all of our equipment was in working order. I think the only thing that needs to be tuned up by Kate is Big Ounce- it was making odd noises when I checked it and I couldn't quit pinpoint where it was coming from."

Yelena smiled and nodded, downing the rest of her coffee before turning around and grabbing a Red Bull out of the fridge. Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle as Yelena slid her her own Red Bull. Swallowing the last of her breakfast, she grabbed the sugary drink and ran back to her room to brush her teeth.

No more than three minutes later, the two blonds were locking up the cabin, the scent of the freshwater lake just twenty yards from them making her smile as she knew she was just hours away from her actual home.

Making sure they had everything needed, Yelena quickly threw their bags into the back of their shared 1967 Chevy Pickup; the sun shining brightly off the baby blue paint almost blinding the blonde.

Climbing into the cab, Scarlett jammed the key into the ignition, the clear blue dolphin that hung off her keychain bobbing around as she turned the key over. The roaring of the engine brought a smile to her face; her thumb tapping along to non existent music that looped through her head as she waited for Yelena.

"The sooner we get to town, the sooner we can get to the airport!" she teased. Yelena flashed her a mocking smile and a middle finger as she finally climbed into the cab of the truck. Throwing the large vehicle into reverse, Scarlett was quick to back out of the driveway and tore down the dirt road towards Pepper's.

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