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"Up and running, Captain!" Yelena yelled, causing both Steve and Scarlett to jump away from each other. Clearing her throat, Scarlett nodded and strutted back onto the bridge. Running her hand through her hair, she took a deep breath as she looked to the blonde in front of her, a smirk playing on Yelena's purple painted lips.

"I saw the way he was looking at you," she whispered, gently pushing her friend. Scarlett nodded and tried her best to hid her blush; she hated to admit that she liked the way that he held her. He was so gentle and his ocean soaked clothes mixed with his cologne made him smell so good.

His deep blue eyes were lit with a fire, a fire that burned with compassion and longing for her. She had never seen that much adoration for herself in someone else's eyes; it scared her almost, but in another way, she felt comforted and warm .

"Hey, earth to starstruck!" Natasha yelled, purposely running into Scarlett, a playful smile on her face as she strutted in the direction of the helm and towards the desks that lined the far wall.

"Kate, you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Correction! I said I would tell our small group!"

"Tell us what?" Pepper asked, walking onto the bridge with an apple in her hand. She had a look on her face that told Scarlett that she knew exactly what they were talking about.

"That  Scarlett wants to bang the reporter," Natasha laughed, rolling her chair across the room to hand Yelena a script telling them their location.

"I do not!"

"I mean hey, who doesn't," Yelena teased, handing the captain the sheet of coordinates.

The playful atmosphere within the bridge dropped as soon as Scarlett saw their current location; the storm had somehow pushed them two hundred and twenty miles off course. It would take them an extra almost ten hours of travel to get back to where they were; or if they went directly to where the wreck is suppose to be, that in and of itself would cost then three days of travel.

"Do we have the resources for an extra two or three days?" she asked grimley, looking between the three women in her closest circle. Her heart hurt as she saw all of their faces fall.

"We have enough for an extra week. Were we really knocked that far off course?" Natasha asked. Nodding, Scarlett took a deep breath and dismissed herself from the bridge, telling them she would see everyone in the morning.

Sulking to her cabin, She couldn't help but let a stray tear slip from her eyes. The lump that had formed in her throat getting tighter as she made her way down the hallway to her cabin. She had failed, she felt as if she had failed miserably with how far the storm had pushed them off course.

She thought for sure that they were on course the whole time; she was almost certain of it! Taking a deep breath, she pushed it out and didn't realize how much it wavered until someone behind her cleared their throat.

Quickly wiping the tears from her face, she hoped to god that her eyes weren't puffy or bloodshot; turning around, she was met with and apologetic looking Steve. His shirt and shorts still clung to his well sculpted body; his shirt showing off his abs,so much so that Scarlett momentarily forgot why she was upset.

"Captain," he greeted, nodding his head slightly . His deep, baritone voice warming Scarlett's cold heart. The way her title rolled off his tongue warmed her soul, making her almost feel whole again.


"Sailor," she greeted, turning around once more and making her way to her room. Steve didn't say a word as he followed her, making sure to give her more than enough room to continue to think.

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