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Scarlett Davis

"And you know how it sank right? According to legend, it sank due to an undersea attack; but some say that the Captain purposefully caused it to sink," the words of her favorite podcast filled her ears and heart with joy. She knew every word of it by heart, and even going so far as to be listening to it while sleeping.

She wanted to know everything about this damn ship.

"Captain, Captain!"

Groaning, Scarlett pulled her feet off the table in front of her, pausing the podcast as she spun around. Quickly nabbing her cream soda, she made a mental note to grab more from the gallery to put in her room as this was her last one. Sticking the straw in her mouth, she watched as Yelena ran onto the bridge. Skidding to a stop, she pointed to Scarlett, calling to her once more.

"Yes Yelena?"

"I have some tea pertaining to that reporter," she breathed, semi out of breath as Scarlett figured she must have ran form somewhere on the other side of the ship. Noticing how her messy bun was falling out, her baby hairs plastered to her forehead; it only confirmed that she actually came from the map room.

"That bastard of a reporter is talking shit about you!" she exclaimed. Raising her eyebrow in question, she indicated to Yelena to proceed. Looking around the room, Yelena fully caught her breath before recollecting what she had heard.

"I had to run back into the map room for my water bottle that I forgotten. I walked in to that damn reporter talking to himself or into something, I'm not sure. But he was recapping the meeting and said that you didn't seem confident enough in finding The Grandmaster,"

"What!?" she screamed, her hand closing around her pop can, the sugary liquid exploding everywhere. "He said fucking what?!" Her blood boiling as she thought about Steven. She was kind enough to actually break a rule for him when she brought him those snacks when he missed lunch. She didn't want him to starve; next time she would let him.

"From what I could hear, he was saying how it was his first day on board, how you just finished a pep talk-"

"Pep talk! This-"

"Please Cap, let me finish. He was saying that it was more of a pep talk and that you seemed unsure in yourself." Yelena finished. Nodding slightly to let her now that she was indeed done talking.

Was this damn reporter trying to get under her skin? First running into her in the hallway, missing lunch and then she tried to help him, and now he was talking shit about her and her confidence in finding this sunken ship?

"Steven Rogers!" she screamed, her face red with anger as she slammed her pop down; any more of the sticky substance that resided within the can now all over the counter. Pushing her chair away from her, she marched out of the bridge, her hands balled into tight fists as she called for him again.

Making her way through the ship, she thought that maybe she was being to harsh on him. But then she had gotten him the opportunity to come on board; she's had dozens of reporters want to tag along on expeditions. What makes him think he's so special?

"Steven Rogers!" she screamed down the hallway to the cabins. Within seconds, a dirty blonde head of hair poked out of one of the doors, fear darkening his eyes.

"Front and center sailor!" Nodding, Steve slowly made his way out of his cabin. Making his way to the angry ship captain, the closer he got the more he noticed how red her face it; it almost matching to her lipstick.

"I thought you were smarter than to talk shit about me and my crew," she seethed, her teeth clenching together.

"I don't know what-"

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