Post Field Trip Time

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Supposedly, the school trip is after the mid-term exam. O.o

"Student Council Members, please pass out the print outs." The papers were passed, but not to Class 3-E. They were the hopeless class, where no one should be hanging out with.

Midori legs were anxiously shaking, clutching her fist in her hands. It takes a lot of willpower to not burst out for discrimination, especially for Midori when her face became pale blue.

"Fumiya-San, please restrain from killing yourself." Asano said to Midori as he was standing behind her. She release the anger by muttering some offensive words.

"Ah, sorry, we don't have any more papers." The principal gladly said, making the other students hoot with laughter. Class E-3 would not get he printouts. Like every other years.

Suddenly, Midori just smiled. She stopped tapping, clutching, or even talking. It's more like the bad side of her never existed. Asano took note of this.

One minute she's smiling, the next is a frown. Whenever Asano tried to talk to her, she ignore him. Few times she acknowledges his presence. Whoever she was, she was a mystery.

Asano remembered when she first appeared as a transfer student from a nearby school in Tokyo. Everyone liked her innocent personality, she helps everyone, and received plenty of love letters. But there was always this barrier that most people couldn't reach.

She doesn't hang out with anyone during freetime. No one knows what she does after school. They don't know her life. She always brushes over the subject.

Her smile always reverse to a blank face whenever she was with Asano.

"Oh wait, we have it here." Koro-sensei passed out the papers, leaving all the students awestruck. Midori immediately looked at the principal and gulped. He was angry. Not at her, but at Class E-3.

Of course she was glad that class got the paper, but at a large strike against her.

"Then, would you mind printing out the filed trip forms for the whole class?" Koro-sensei asked, leaving everyone surprised.

"But.." Midori tried to answer. It was near impossible, unless she ask directly to Asano. But, an excuse had to be made. Asano hates Class E-3 as much as his father.

"Is it impossible?"

"Of course not. But, I would like something in exchange."

By asking Asano if she could retrieve her form early for her parents to decide, he effortlessly gave it to her without a second thought. But a sense of guilt still remain in her. Especially when she just deceived her best friend.

"Huh?..." Midori felt dizzy. Her head was going through intense pain, as her body felt like jelly. Her breathing became erratic, as she slowly fell to the ground.

"Fumiya-San? FUMIYA SAN!" She blacked out.


She opened her eyes in the infirmary room. Her head wasn't hurting and she could move her body with ease. Sitting up on the bed, she noticed no one was here. The time was after school.

Slapping her cheeks, she rushed out of the school and went up the mountain at fast pace. Jumping through the boulders and tree branches, she admits that it was fun.

"I wonder what happened..." Midori muttered, before losing her footing on one of the branches.

"KYAAAAAA!" She fell, not to meet the cold ground, but a soft warm-like arms. She opened her closed eyes and noticed the red hair.

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