Hotel Time

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It took all of Midori's and the rest of her group members to hold onto Asano with all their might. In fact, the rest of her group members were also threatened to kill her red-hair friend right after they sedate Asano with sleeping drugs.

"Calm down, Asano! Everyone wants to kill him too!" Ayaka yelled out, holding onto to Asano's leg. It was hopeless, as Asano was really close to the door.

"Stupid Class E for being such a bitchy bitch to-"

"GAKUSHU ASANO, SAY ANOTHER FUCKING WORD, I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!" Ayaka said angrily, with the rest of the group members looking back at Midori. All of them knew that talking bad about something breaks Midori's heart.

Midori didn't seemed fazed by it, only just shocked. She just looked down, with her hair obscuring her vision. Asano tensed up as she stood up.

"Go kill him then. Not that I mind anyway. Class E is a nuisance for Class A. The only reason I'm hanging around them is for the purpose of defeating them. They're jerks anyway." Midori said emotionlessly, walking out of the room. The door closed silently behind Asano. Everyone in that room knew that she was lying. There was no way she would say that before crying.

Asano felt guilty, but a pang of envy for Class E. Just because Midori likes the underdogs of the school, her friends in Class A doesn't get noticed. Half of the time, she leaves Asano to eat lunch with the Virtuosos to meet up for a tutoring session or with the Class E students.

"Asano, you know you're being a big bitch right?" Ayaka said, before leaving the room. This was their only time to be with Midori since Class E was at a different hotel from them, and it all came down to Asano to carry the burden.

Asano walked out of the room as angry he is. He hurt Midori's feelings. The feelings he cherished the most. He broke their bond. He lost the path to her heart.

"Asano-kun.. Where's Fumiya-San?" A group of girls came in front of him, obviously for a confession. Asano sighed.

"She left for now."

"Oh, your girlfriend is cheating on you?"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"But aren't the two of you going to get-"

"Yes." Asano walked away roughly, where the girls barely caught his next few words. It was painful.

"She'll never be mine."


"I don't want to go back to the roooooooom~" Midori gloated, as she slowly went inside the hot spring water. The natural scenery, the privacy, and no boys- Midori's life was amazing. Until she remembers what happened at the warehouse.

Without any warnings, Karma had kissed her. Midori can't even analyzed what was with him, what was going on, or why he did it. Better yet, she can't figure out why her heart is still beating fast whenever she thinks about Karma.

She submerge herself into the water, feeling the pressure around her. Her lips were still in the process of mending, thanks to the perverted man, much to Asano's annoyance.

Asano was her best friend, the friend that was always at her side. He was the one who helped her get used to Class A almost immediately. That's why Midori can never get mad at anyone. Or else she abuses Asano's kindness. But this time, Asano was being a bastard.

"You are such a bastard.." Midori mumbled, before realizing she was in the water. Her throat was clogged up with water, and she immediately went up.

"I'm an idiot!" She said after coughing up a lot of water. Once she recovered, she put her hand to her heart. It was aching, making it harder for Midori to breathe. "What am I doing.."

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