Billy x Male Reader

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Requested by: themelodyisdead

Trigger Warnings: strong language, homophobic slurs, mention of self-harm

Trigger Warnings: strong language, homophobic slurs, mention of self-harm

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Growing up in a small town, everyone knew everything. If someone died, people were at your door in a matter of hours with a casserole in hand, pity in their eyes. If you got a promotion, people were patting you on the back as you walked down the street.

But when your ex-best friend announced to the entire high school that you were gay, there were no casseroles or pats on the back. Just looks of disgusts as you walked through Hawkins. Down the hallways, people would purposely swerve out of the way to not be near you or touch you. When it came down to group projects, you got used to working alone pretty quick.

"One more year," you whispered to yourself as you slowly sat down in the chemistry room.

Despite the news breaking nearly four months ago right before summer, the glares and whispers never stopped.

"Well look at that, the faggot didn't kill himself," a jock yelled loud enough for the entire room to hear.

Rolling your eyes, you kept your eyes straight forward as the rest of the class found their seats. The chatter almost felt overwhelming as the voices and whispers suffocated you. Picking at the cuticle of your nail, you tried to tune them all out.

"They don't matter, baby," your mom said as you cried into her shoulder the day everyone found out. "All that matters is that you are true to yourself."

Echoing her words in your mind, you took a deep breath before pulling out a notebook and pencil. Suddenly, the voices stopped and the classroom stilled.

And in walked the most handsome man you had ever seen. He carried himself with confidence as he walked through the door, his chin held high. Seemingly without a care, he sat beside you, slumping down in his seat.

"Might not want to do that, man. He might give you aids," the same jock laughed, making you close your eyes in embarrassment.

The one person in the whole stupid town who didn't know any better than to sit next to you now knew the truth. Just like everyone else, he would start to avoid you at all costs. As expected, he stood, but turned to look at the jock.

"How do you know? You give it to him?" he said, his voice low. Small laughter sounded as the unknown boy sat back down beside you.

The jock sat down quickly, a small blush rushing across his face as his meathead friends laughed loudly in his ears. You looked at the boy next to you, but he didn't even spare you a glance.

Maybe this year would be different after all.

When the bell finally rang, you gathered your bag and headed out the door. As you walked towards your locker, a harsh shoulder slammed you into the lockers. Wincing as you grabbed your shoulder that now throbbed in pain, you met the gaze of the same jock from class.

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