you save him

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screams erupted, making your eyes widen

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screams erupted, making your eyes widen. what was happening, you thought.

you had came into town to buy your favorite ice cream when you heard the noise.

looking around, you saw girls and boys rushing towards a focus point. sighing, you jump in the bed of a nearby truck to get a look.

in the middle stood dacre montgomery. he was originally from your town and must've been visiting in between being famous and what not. an exasperated sigh escaped your lips as you hopped down. weaseling your way through the crowd, you grab his hand.

at first, he tried to push you off until he made eye contact and noticed you didn't have the same wild look all of the people surrounding you both have.

pushing through the crowd again, this time with dacre in tow, you managed to make it to a clear part of the street. taking a deep breath, you said, "run!"

you two ran down the street, a crowd right behind you. making a sharp right, you dove into your favorite place to go in town besides the ice cream shoppe— the book store.

pushing him towards the back, you tried to put as many isles between the two of you and the wild crowd hunting you.

finally, you reached the back end of the store- the science fiction section. leaning against the wall of books, you sighed once more.

"welcome home, dacre," you said before sliding to the floor.

"so great to be back, y/n," he said sarcastically before sitting beside you.

the two of you spent hours that way— chatting, catching up, as you waited for people to disperse.


i would totally apologize for the gif not matching but it's totally hot so 🤷🏼‍♀.

i would like to personally thank his parents for their job well done.

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