•Chapter 4•

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Kakashi POV:

"Well with a night's rest like that I'm ready for anything nothing would suprise me" I said to myself as I walked out of my room as Y/N stood before me. For a second I got frightened from not knowing she was there as she turned and started walking to the common area "did you come to get me? Was I that late?" I asked as she shook her head as I followed her. As a e walked in everyone looked at us as she stood next to me as they all came to me asking a lot of questions like "did you see her face?! did you hear her voice?! how do you know how to work with her?!" and things like that as I looked to my side to see Y/N was gone. I looked up as she was on the other side of the room leaning against the wall looking at Danzo who approach me from behind.


"All those questions are always the same.." I said walking away from them as I placed on leg on the wall looking at them as Danzo came from behind Kakashi. "Change of plans Y/N! Kakashi! you will be making sure there is no enomies on the path as Minato and Rin will be covering the right and the left  Obito and Guy will be covering the left is that clear!" He said as I nodded as well as Kakashi"you have 15 minutes before you need to be on sight so get ready" he said as he walked of as I walked to Kakashi taking his hand dragging him to a room to get our weapons.

Kakashi POV:

"Can I use anything on here?" I asked as she just nodded. She looked at me as she walked forward getting her needed weapons as I soon did the same. I took my normal usage of kunai and shiriken as I looked at Y/N as a sword came my way as I stopped it to see it was Y/N who through it "what was that for?" I asked as she pointed to her side to see a spot where she wrote 'Use it, it could help you on this mission' it said as I looked to see her with two of them. It was like a normal Konoha blade but the Anbo poeple hade made this in a stronger form. We finished up as we reached the gate not long after to see we where to only once here so far.

"Kakashi!!" I heard a voice call out as I looked to see Rin and Guy running to me as the soon reached me with me slipping out of the way making them fall as I stood with Y/B on my right "your finally here..now we have a mission to do save reunions for after the mission when I need to go back" I said as I placed my Anbo mask on my face making sure it was succeeded as me and Y/N slowly started walking with them following as we soon split up in our discussion with Minato sensei, Obito, Aron and Guy in the trees on the left and right as me and Y/N stook in the path. The Hokage soon walked to us with two higher rank Shinobi on each of his side's"may the mission begin!!" one of them yelled out as the six of us started running in our discussion.


"We started running for a while but nothing yet is this a good thing or a bad thing" I thought to myself. A whole while before we saw Rin close into our side "there in the trees!" she said "go help Minato sensei" Kakashi said as he stoped and started running to the Hokage "get out of here there in the trees!" Kakashi yelled out to them as they took a defensive stance to protect the Hokage as we once again turned around to run pp your a bunch of children!!" one of them yelled out starting to laugh as people jumped down from the trees as I reached for my blades stopping the kunai that was coming my way as I ran to Kakashi stopped the kunai that came for him. I looked at him as I saw a kunai coming from the other way without thinking I used my C/J mixing it with my F/J as I stopped it just to find another going for Kakashi. I ran to him as fast as I could "Kakashi!"

_End of chapter 4_

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