One Big Weaponry Fiasco

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New York

After school, Peter was swinging back to the tower, helping few people on the way. His aunt was out of town for a few days so he was staying at the avengers tower and he couldn't have been more excited. He loved spending time with the avengers. Tony was like a dad to him which hadn't had since his own father died and the avengers were like his family. Natasha was especially fond of him. As he was going off to college in a few months, he was spending time with them as much as possible. When he was almost close to the tower, he could suddenly smell smoke from somewhere. He got on top of a building to locate the smoke. It was a bit far away and the only thing he could see was large van drive away. His eyes squinted as read
A. I. M written on it. Any normal person wouldn't have been able to see it. He didn't know what that meant but he was sure to look it up when he goes to the tower. Peter swung into the living room of the tower through the window. Although he could have just used the door but this was more fun. As he came in, the resident A. I. of the tower spoke up

F. R. D. A. Y : Welcome back underoos. How was your day?

Peter : Hey Fri, I had a great day. Can you tell me where Mr. Stark is?

F. R. I. D. A. Y : Of course. Mr. Stark is currently in the lab.

Peter : Thanks Fri.

He changed into his clothes, took a packet of Doritos that Bucky secretly stores in the lower cabinets and ran down to the lab. There he saw Tony still working with the machine parts from last night (though he didn't know about it).

Peter : Hey Mr. Stark

Tony turned towards Peter and smiled. A genuine smile that he only saved for the people dearest to him and the kid was almost like his own.

Tony : Hey kid, how was your day?

Peter : Good. Got an A+ in my English test. Helped an old man cross the street but he wasn't very nice, stopped a robbery at a grocery store so the manager gave me a few candies (He loved them and had eaten them all on the way, I swear he's a total cinnamon roll).

Peter was blabbing about when suddenly his eyes fell on the machin on the table. He instantly recognised the aim symbol.

Peter : Mr. Stark I know that symbol.

Tony : What. How?

Peter : While I was coming back, I saw a van with that symbol leaving a burnt building.

Tony : What? Where?

Peter : A bit away from the tower.

Tony : Alright kiddo, I'll look into it.

Just then Friday spoke up.

F. R. I. D. A. Y : Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanoff are back.

Tony : Okay, let's go upstairs.

As soon as Steve and Natasha entered the living room, Natasha collapsed on the big couch. God was she tired. That super soldier has so much stamina, her knock of serum was nothing in front of him. Just then, Tony and Peter came up.

Steve : Hey Kid

Peter : Hey Mr. Captain Rogers

Peter babbled with a goofy smile.

Tony : So how did it go with Fury?

Natasha : He had no idea about it but he said he's looking into it. Probably gonna send Daisy and Coulson on it.

Tony : Wait.... Coulson is alive???

Tony's eyes went wide.

Natasha : You didn't know about it? Well you learn something new every single day. I'm heading to my room. Rogers you up?

Steve : I'll stay down for a bit.

Natasha : Okay.

As Tony was filling in Steve about what Peter saw, Natasha got changed and sat on the bed with her laptop. She pulled out a pen drive that Fury had given him.

Earlier at Shield Headquarters....

As Steve and Natasha were leaving Fury's office, he called back

Fury : Romanoff can I talk to you for a sec.

She turned around and nodded.

Natasha : Steve can wait outside?

Steve nodded and went out as she followed Fury back into the office.

Natasha : What did you want me for?

Fury : I don't know if AIM is involved or nit, but there are some suspicious development in Madripoor and you would want to see it.

Saying so, he turned the laptop toward her with a pen drive in it. She was looking through the report when suddenly her eyes went wide.

Natasha : Oh my God

Fury : Now you get it why didn't want Steve here.

She nodded.

Fury : Take the pen drive with you and try to find out more about it.


Natasha took out the pen drive. She still couldn't believe what she saw. She heard footsteps coming up and quickly hid the pen drive.


In the office of daily planet...

Loise walked towards a working Superman now disguised as his alter ego, Clark Kent.

Loise : Honey, there's a call for you. It's from Bruce. It seemed urgent.

Clark frowned but nodded and went up. He went outside the office and called him from his personal phone.

Clark : Hello Bruce

Bruce : Hello Clark. Do you happen to know the whereabouts if Lex Luther?

Clark was taken aback by the question. Lex Luther, he hadn't heard that name in a long time.

Clark : No. Why? Last I had known he was into hiding.

Bruce : Well I found out that Lex Corps was involved in smuggling of some illegal weapons. But this time it's not them alone. There's another organisation working with them.

Clark : Which Organization?

Bruce : SHIELD

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