Meeting The Enemy!

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Diana : Luther... he has the Kryptonite and if he combines it with this tesseract then it might be even more powerful. He wants to kill Superman.

Steve : But why?

Clark sighed.

Clark : To put it simply... he hates me because he's jealous of capabilities.

The atmosphere around them was grim.

Tony : So that we do have an idea of what's happening, we should start planning.

Bruce : Yes. I think we should invade their headquarters. I don't think they have any idea that we know about their hideout so we can take them by surprise.

Tony : Ahh don't you think it's gonna be a little too predictable emo Edward?

Bruce : Do you have a better idea Stark? If yes then please be my guest.

Tony : Actually you are my guest but...

Natasha : Boys cut it out. Arguing won't help us getting a better plan. I think we should go out with his plan.

Tony : Ahhh Et tu Brutus?

Natasha : Tony knowing how deeply they are into shield, they probably already know we are onto them. What we can do is take them all together. I think we all together are capable enough to fight them off. I'll talk to Fury to get us some more backup.

Saying so, Natasha left. Tony grunted and went down to his lab.


Sharon : These weapons. They are not ordinary. They are made by Chitauri technology that A. I. M had found a few years ago but punk Spiderman had foiled it. It took us a lot to get them back. Keep them ready. They might be coming here any moment. Is your Kryptonite ready Mr. Luther?

Lrx Luther : It's always is Miss Carter. It's already being fused with the energy of the tesseract. We just wait for Superman's arrival.

Sharon : Good. We can take the Avengers and the Justice league down all together.


Thor briskly walked towards big new building of New Asgard where they were staying. Valkyrie had been an amazing queen and he visited them quite often. He entered the main hall and saw Valkyrie with as usual a bottle in her hand. And with her was.... Carol Denver? Captain Marvel? What was she doing here? Valkyrie saw him and immediately approached him.

Valkyrie : Hey mate! So you here after a long time.

Thor : Yes yes it's nice to see you again too.

He beamed in his usual self.

Thod : Buy what is Captain Marvel doing here?

Carol : Hey Thor. I was here for some.... business.

Thor : OK... But I need your help.

Valkyrie : What is it?

Thor : Do you happen to know about Loki's whereabouts?

Valkyrie smirked.

Valkyrie : For the matter of fact I do.


The Avengers and the other four had gathered around in Quinjet. Selina, Clark and Diana seemed to admire the technology of the Quinjet. Bruce was Silent. Everyone was in their superhero suits. Tony didn't waste any time and started the Quinjet. It took the almost 4 hours to reach Madripoor. Madripoor was a city near Southeast Asia which was known for being a crime centre so it was no surprise that A. I. M had it's headquarters there. The building was large and opposed to being a broken down building to hide in plain site, it was a newly built building with very little security. The team was surprised to see that the coast was surprisingly clear. They grew suspicious. The team got divide into two. The first one with Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce Wayne, Clark and Peter and the second one had Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Diana and Selina. The first group took the entrance door and the second group took the back door. Cautious , Tony and his group approached the main part of the building, their worst fears came true. Suddenly they were trapped in a large cage. On further realization, it was made of vibranium. Steve tried to break the cage with his shield but it was in vain. Just then, two black figures approached them. One figure came out to be Lex Luther. Clark's Jaws tightened.

Lex : Oh look look, the alien God himself is now in my clutches. Of a simple human being.

He started laughing maniacally.

Clark : You have your beef with me, why are after these people?

Lex : Oh Supes, I don't have anything to do with them. It's her.

As he said it, the other figure emerged which shocked everyone except Natasha, Clark and Bruce. Steve felt his heart dropping. After being deceived so many times after coming out of ice he wasn't ready for this.

Steve : Sharon......

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