Mission Gone Wrong

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Avengers tower

Natasha (on the phone) : Any news on Madripoor? 

Maria : Not yet but we are still tracking. I think we'll be able to come up with something. 

Natasha : OK. If you get any lead please inform me. 

Maria : Sure

Natasha cut the call and laid back on pillow propped up on her bed. 

Steve : So are you gonna sulk here or come down. Everyone's in the lounge area, watching a movie. 

Natasha looked up to see Steve standing, leaning against the hinges of the door. He had that smile on his face that even made the heart of the most dangerous assassin in the world melt. 

Natasha : I'll be down in a minute. 

Both of them came downstairs to the living room to see Tony, Wanda, Sam, Bucky and Peter sitting on the couch, preparing to watch Kong - Skull Island. It was Peter's turn to choose this time. They all sat together to watch the movie. Oddly enough, a lot of the actors looked strangely familiar. Tony was sure he had seen Loki and Fury at some point. Halfway through the movie, Friday suddenly spoke. 

F.R.I.D.A.Y : Boss the search engine e has navigated a location for AIM. 

Tony paused the movie. 

Tony : Where is it Friday? 

F.R.I.D.A.Y : Boss it's in a warehouse a little outside of the city of Gotham. 

Tony : Ok Fri I'll handle it from here. 

Gotham. Gotham. The named seemed familiar but Tony couldn't place his mind on it and then suddenly dawned upon him. Gotham is the house of the one and only person who can compete against the rich billionaire. Bruce Wayne. His childhood friend and current rival. Wayne enterprise has worked with Stark industries a few times and the two rich fellows always tried to quip up against each other. They were very much alike in their personalities. But unbeknownst to them, there was another similarity between the two 'superheroes'. 

Steve : TONY? What do you think we should do? 

Tony snapped out of his string of thoughts hearing Steve. 

Tony : Yes. You, me and Red would go. Sam you'll keep an on the stats of their activities in any other places while we are gone. 

Everybody nodded as they understood their assignments. After suiting up, the trio headed towards the quinjet. 

Captain America : Avengers assemble. 


JL tower

Clark : Do you think we should call in Diana as well? 

Bruce : No, not yet. We'll call her if things get out of hand. I also think before we jump into action, I'll go and check out the area once with Selina to see if it's enough to call the Superman or any other Justice league members in. 

Clark : Alright I'll be waiting to hear from you. If you need anything just call me OK. 

Bruce : Don't fret about it boy scout, I can handle it. 


Bruce walked in and saw Dick working on the batcomputer (Goddamn, he had to name everything as bat). Noticing Bruce walk in, Dick turned around. 

Dick : So as per as your instructions, I have pinned the exact location of the place. It's an old warehouse 3 miles away from the border of Gotham city. It's basically in the mid point of Gotham and Metropolis. Whoever this is, they are dumb enough to place their work center between of cities of Batman and Superman. 

Bruce : Thank you Dick. You can now go on that date with Barbara. 

Dick : Oh god! You know? 

He face-palmed. Bruce had a little smirk on his lips. 

Selina : Cut him some slack Bruce. He's young. You were even more notorious at his age. Dick, go upstairs. Alfred is waiting for you to help you get prepared. 

Selina said while coming down. Dick muttered a thank you as he ran upstairs. Selina walked towards Bruce and kissed softly on his lips. She had to tip toe a bit because, well she was kinda short but no less dangerous. 

Bruce : You and I have a mission today. We'll have to go check out the warehouse where Luther's probably storing his weapons. 

Selina : Ahh I missed it. Just like old times. The bat and the cat, crawling throughout the nights at Gotham. But do you think you'll have a bit time before that?

A gleam played on her eyes. It was not the first time they did it in the batcave. 


At night

The quinjet had landed outside Gotham that evening but they had waited till it was night. Steve had instructed Tony to go towards the top through the windows, Natasha was to take the back door and he himself went through the front door. They didn't want to make any noise so everybody had a lock picker. Steve quietly went inside, his shield propped up in front of him. His eyes was scanning the surroundings when suddenly someone threw a price of metal chunk at him. He immediately ducked by instincts and threw the shield at the man which knocked him unconscious. It was clear that the people knew of their arrival. 

Meanwhile, Natasha had taken the backdoor which led to a small storage room going into the main area. Natasha was scathing her eyes around when she saw a bunch of files stacked in a corner. She started to look through the files. Some of them contained details of the transactions and selling of illegal weapons. She knew those were valuable so she quickly took pictures of the pages. Going through them, her eyes fell on one of the files. It had Madripoor as the place where most of the weapons were going. It has to be their headquarters. God! Fury's intuition was right. The main leader of the gang functioning there was.... Sharon Carter. Suddenly she heard the sound of a car starting. The people there were leaving. 

Tony had gone through the top floors but no one was there it didn't look like anything was happening over there so he headed downstairs to the ground floor where he met Steve and Natasha halfway. 

Natasha : They already left. 

Steve : Yes. Apparently they were already planning to leave when one of the men had come in and I knocked him out with my shield. Guess that kinda alerted them and they left immediately. 

Tony : Shit capsicle. We don't even know where they went. 

Natasha : Actually we do. I've been meaning to tell you this. They are transporting these weapons to Madripoor and you won't believe who's behind it. 

Before Natasha could say any further, the room was filled with smoke. Someone had thrown a smoke bomb. Amongst all the coughing, they could see a black figure approaching them. Upon coming closer, it looked like the figure was wearing a bat costume. Just then, something jumped down from above and knocked Steve down. It was a sleak woman figure. Natasha immediately caught hold of her legs and twisted it which led her to fall back. She charged her widow bites at her which the cat costume wearing woman was dodging brilliantly. Meanwhile Tony started firing lasers at the black figure but the bat guy fought back with his own sort of lasers when Steve threw his shield at him leading the man to fall back and his mask came off. Tony was shocked. 

Tony : Bruce Wayne....... 

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