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It's funny, I get to talk to you on a daily, but it could never be enough. But, I could never ask too much of your time, it's not mine to request nor demand. And I do not own you nor do I want to, because love isn't owning a person. 

In a way, I feel like if I owned you, I'd feel horrible. Owning someone isn't love, nor would I ever want to own a person. But, I want my own person just not in the way that they're like a property, a toy or a thing. Because, I could never govern their mind nor their heart. Maybe, I could, but it's not in a way that is bad. I could only ever own their heart, if they're willing to trust me with it. But, their mind is theirs to own, as well as their heart, and it's not like I can dictate that, and for me, owning something is like you're treating them like a toy, a property or a thing.

And, I despise it when some people think that they own a person, when clearly they do not.

It's selfish to think you own a human being. They're their own person. They own themselves, nobody could lay claim to a human being, only them could claim themselves as theirs. You can call them yours but you can never own them. There's a difference with them being yours, and owning them.

But, why is it that this stupid dog doesn't know the difference about those two words?

"You know, Chaeng. You could only ever wish you were in my shoes, but you can never be me. I own Jennie, and she'll forever be mine, get that through your stupid head." He said with an annoying smirk on his face.

I scoffed, and smiled with what he had said, "I wasn't informed that Jennie was a property now, Mr. Kim."

I saw him frown, but it was replaced by a mocking smile, "I own her, so technically, she's my property."

I stood up, and fixed my suit. "I think, we're done here, Mr. Kim. And, just so you know, Jennie isn't something you can own. She's her own person, and she's not yours anymore, she's mine." I said with a smile, patting his shoulder before I left with Jennie waiting on the other table.


It's just something, I thought of out of the blue.

I'm not in the mood to write longer than usual. I've been busy with personal stuff, it being school, and just watching myself crumble like a castle made of sand. And, I haven't been in a state where I have the creative zone that I'm usually in.

- Mandu

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