Chapter 15

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24 July 2017 ( 8:00 p.m. ) Northern Parliament North Base - Docks. POV: Y/N

Fleet was suprised that we aren't going to Northern Parliament Main base ( St. Petersburg ). However, that's didn't mean that we wented to small base on siberia. It was the second biggest base of Northern Parliament.

Rossiya: Priviet Comrades and welcome to Northern Parliament North Base!

Y/N: Priviet Comrade Rossiya. Long time no see, I must say.

Rossiya: Oh, Comrade Avrora! You here aswell?

Avrora: How I can not be there if motherland are need help?

Independence: C-can we go t-to som-me building-g? It-t's veryy cold here-e.

Rossiya: Of course, follow me Comrades!

Time skip: 15 minutes ( 8:17 p.m. ) Northern Parliament Main base - Rossiya's Office.

Rossiya: [ sits behind the desk ] So Comrades, I think we can talk about our problem. [ points on sofa that is in front of her desk ] You can sit down here.

Y/N and rest of his fleet sits down on sofa.

Y/N: What's y- I mean OUR problem?

Rossiya: In few past days sirens attacked us with most of knowed type of elite sirens and huge numbers of mass-produced sirens.

Y/N: [ No wonder why I didn't see Purifier these days ] Ok, we'll stay for some time and see how bad it is and eventually call for more ships.

Rossiya: If you say so, Comrade Y/N... < Comrade Belarussiya, come to my office >

After some time...

Belarussiya: You called me, Comrade Rossiya?

Rossiya: Yes, Guide our guests to their rooms.

Y/N: I'll sleep on my ship, if this is not a problem.

Rossiya: Why Comrade?

Y/N: I just want to do it. There is nothing more. [ Yeah... ]

Rossiya: If you not going to stay on ship all time, then it's alright Comrade. But remeber that if you'll change your mind, you'll can get a room.

Y/N: I'll remeber that. Now I think that I can tell you all " Good night! ".

Everyone in room: Good night Commander!/Good night Comrade Commander!

Time skip: 1 hour 30 minutes ( 10:00 p.m. ), Capitan's room on ORP Błyskawica.

Y/N was tune in his electric guitar. In meantime, outside started snowfall.

Y/N: Last time I played on guitar ( Publicly ) in 1998... Maybe I should back to this?... No, no, It's not the best idea.

Suddently somone knocked to door.

After hearing knock, Y/N disconnets guitar from amplifier and hide guitar in case.

Y/N: [ Opens door ] Comrade Rossiya? What are you doing here?

Rossiya: We dectected a siren fleet, and I came to ask if you'll go, Comrade Commander.

Y/N: Of course, I'll go.

Rossiya: Good, we'll leave port in 20 minutes.

Time skip: 20 minutes ( 10:30 p.m. ), Bridge of ORP Błyskawica.

Y/N: < Everyone is ready? >

Y/N's fleet: < Yes, we are ready! >

Y/N: < Rossiya, your fleet is ready? >

Rossiya: < Of course, Comrade Commander >

Y/N: < Good, We leaving port! >

Rossiya's fleet: Belarussiya, Volga, Avrora, Chapayev and Tashkent.

Time skip: 1 hour ( 11:30 p.m. ), Arctic Ocean.

Independece: W-why is-s s-so c-col-ld h-here-e?

Y/N: Because we near North Pole. [ Approaches Independece and give her his winter coat ]

Independece: B-but n-now yo-u wil-ll be-e froze-en!

Y/N: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.


Y/N: [ I would reconize that voice anywhere ] PURIFIER! < ALARM! >

Purifier: Haha, my Y/N reconize me! I'm so glad!~

Y/N: I'm not yours. [ fires to Purifier ]

Purifier: [ avoides it ] I know, sadly... but we can play! [ use portal to call mass-produced sirens ]

After that, batlle has begun.

Some time later...

Purifier: Finally, more friends to play with!

Y/N: [ turn in direction where Purifier looks. ] Oh, Compiler and Observer zero. [ How intresting ]

Compiler: You must be legendary Błyskawica, aka. Y/N, we finally meet...

Y/N: It's looks like so.

Compiler: [ with a calm voice ] And your legend will be end here. [ sends planes in sky ]

Y/N: [ Avoides bombs and torpedoes from her planes ] One Commander sayed exact same words 10 years ago and he was wrong. [ fire torpedoes in direction of Compiler and fired from guns to Observer Zero ]

Y/N's shells hitted Observer Zero but it's done nearly nothing, she immediately answered by firing from guns and sending torpedoes in direction of Y/N. Compiler was hitted aswell, but with a little better ( for Y/N ) result. In the same time Purifier was sending many mass-produced sirens to every kansen from both fleets, aswell fight them by herself.

Time skip: 2 hours ( 2:00 a.m. )

Y/N: [ avoides shells fired by sirens ] How long you can fight without a rest and how many mass-produced sirens you have!?

Purifier: It's a secret, my Y/N~ Ehehe

Y/N: [ fire to Purifier ] STOP IT!

Purifier was hited.

Purifier: [ cough, cough ] Nope, I won't ever stop.

In the same time Compiler and Observer Zero was bombed by planes from carriers.

Purifier: That's very bad.... I think we had enough fun for today. See you soon, My Y/N!~

Sirens used Portals to escape.

Y/N: Finally... < Everyone, I think going back to base is good idea. >

Both fleets: < agreed! >

Time skip: 40 minutes ( 2:40 a.m ) Ocean near Northern Parliament North Base

Avrora: Comrade Y/N, I have a question, if you don't mind anwsering it.

Y/N: What's your question?

Avrora: When you talked with Compiler, She told that she is finally able to meet you. You meeted each other here for first time?

Y/N: Yes, It's because I was in active service to 1994, when she was seen for first time in 2000.

Avrora: Oh, In that case it's not that strange...

This is the end of chapter fifteenth. I Finally made this chapter to the end, it takes too long to do it ( I think ). Anyway, Thanks for reading this chapter and see you in chapter sixteenth!


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