Roomates pt2

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Virgo POV

Me and Cancer were walking to our dorms until we saw 2 guys one who had dark brown hair and sea green eyes and the other had blue hair and crystal blue eyes. For some reason I had an urge in my heart to talk to them, the same kind of feeling I had when I met Taurus, Cancer and Pisces. It was like there was an invisible string pulling me to become friends with them. Weird right?

Cancer seems to also feel the urge as she walks up to them to introduce herself.

"Uh Hi I'm Cancer and this is Virgo,"she explained as I waved, "Are you guys new here? I don't think I've seen you here before.."

The black hair dude smiled politely and said
"Oh Umm Hi? I'm Capricorn and this is Aquarius and yes your correct we are new."

"Well welcome to Astro High! I hope you enjoy this school and if you need any help you can knock on the that door." I said as I pointed to me and Cancer's dorm which was opposite theirs. Aquarius smiled slightly awkwardly and muttered a thanks as they shut the door.

"Canc did you feel like there was a sudden urge to talk to these guys?" I asked as her pearly pink eyes widen as she tilted her head and asks me.

"What? Are you a mind reader? How'd you know??"

"No not a mind reader... but I had the exact same feeling as you and I also felt that exact feeling when I met you, Tau and Pi." I explained as she nodded. That told me that the same thing happened to her.

"Weird huh.." says Cancer as we were playing uno in our room.

"Yeh.... weird..." I said as I looked at my cards I had 3 more left!

"UNO!! ha I beat you for the FIRST TIME!!!" Screeched Cancer as she did a victory dance.
This remark just made me roll my eyes

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said

"Oooooo someones jelly~" sang Cancer in a singsong voice before sticking her tongue out at me.

This just made me laugh and giggle about how childish she was being.

"Now tell me and admit to me that you were jealous and have a secret crush on Taurus." Said Cancer with a straight face.

"Yes I admit it" I replied as I sighed at her and the sudden realization hit me as I asked, " Wait what??"

"OMG you just admitted that you have a crush on Taurus!!!!" Squealed Cancer while hugging me I pushed her off and raised an eyebrow as if to say EXPLAIN.

She just smiled innocently and said " I asked you to admit that you were jealous about me winning and that you might have a crush on Taurus. I glared at her but of course in the end I forgave and told her that would never date Taurus. She smiled then smirked and said sure.

Scorpio POV

I loved my roommate she was probably the best roommate and friend that anyone could ever have. At first I was a bit cold to but as I got to know her better I opened up to her as I could feel that she was trustworthy. We told eachother many of our secrets and stayed up like basically all night talking.

I was scrolling through a game when I saw that he was online. I kind of had a crush on my online best friend. I know he may turn out to be like a fifty year old man but I knew he wasn't as he told me his insta and I could see multiple pictures of him. He had black hair and green eyes and the latest picture showed that he was in a room with another guy with blue hair and blue eyes that said 'hanging out with my roommate!'

After I stopped scrolling through instagram AND TikTok I declared to my brain that I was bored so I asked Libra if she wanted to go explore the campus. She agreed and got on some of her outdoor clothes and yes she was wearing her pajama since it was cozy.

We were chatting about the classes we had until I saw in the corner of my eyes a guy with black hair and emerald green eyes. He was also talking to someone that I guess was his friend who had blue hair. He smiled until his eyes caught mine. I instantly looked away as I can feel my heat go a million miles an hour.

I could see him through the side of my hair walk up to me and Libra .

"Hi I'm Capricorn and this is my friend Aquarius." Said Capricorn and he glance up to me and asked, "are you the girl who used to play online games with me?"

Oh great. And I could have been more sneakier.

"Yes I am Capricorn, nice to meet you in person, I'm Scorpio and this is Libra." As I said this he engulfed me in a hug.

"I had always wanted to meet my online best friend. I guess we will see you around?" He said

"I guess we will." I replied and chuckled to myself and with Libra looking slightly confused.

Sagittarius POV

Leo was sleeping as if she was sleeping beauty and had not gotten up for 11 hours and she had a job interview so I being the mastermind of pranks and waking people up and her new best friend decided to wake her up myself.

I got some supplies I might need. And got started . I started shaking her shoulders to wake her up and I waited. I then got some pans from the cupboard and started banging on the EXTRA loudly and had gotten a complaint from the girl next door but had not heard the whole 'important' speech of hers before I slammed the door on her face which I think offended her as she started screaming cuss words -not that I was trying to be offensive.

Quickly, I went back to work as I got out my airhorn and blowed it into her ear.

But there was nothing..

No moving nothing...

I almost gave up but decided to grab a bucket of water and dump it on her. It was cruel but in my defense she was not waking up and had a job interview in 3 hours.

I got the water bucket and dumped it on her as I hoped for the worst. I was probably going to have to clean up the mess later.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Leo's shriek got me out of my thoughts as she asked "sag why did you do that????"

"You weren't waking up and you have an interview in 3 hours!" I retorted as her eyes were as wide a sauces.

"Shit." Mumbled Leo as she was dripping wet and walked towards the shower as I tidied up the mess I made.


Hi the rest of the zodiacs are going to be next (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces)

Hope your day has gone well!!

~ Weirdsecrets

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