What Happened to Mommy?

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It all started on after noon when AJ asked me what happened to my mommy.



I see daddy walk to the door and answer it. “Sir we need to talk to you.” “About what Officer.” “About Lily Potter.” Why does he need to talk to daddy about mommy? Daddy turns around and tells me. “ZJenAnnie go to bed and tell your sister I said so.” I do go to bed and tell Alyona but of course she won't listen to me. She goes down stairs and all I hear is daddy yell at her. “ALYONA ELIZABETH SNAPE GO TO BED NOW.” In the smallest whisper know to mankind she says. “Yes daddy.” When she came back she looked really really mad and mischievous. “Zja come with me to see what daddy and the man are talking about. You can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Her looks tells me that she wants me to pick the hard way and being as stupid as I am I said no. she leaves and then comes back with duct tape (witch I have no clue were she got it) and rope (I also have no clue were she got it). Then she ties me up and duck tapes my mouth. When she drags me down stairs we hide behind the couch that daddy is sitting on. “Sir i'm sorry to inform you that Lily Potter will never see you again.” “WHAT! I mean what do you mean?” “Lily Potter is dead Severus Snape.” After the man leaves daddy takes them to the door and me and Alyona sneak back up stairs. She throws me into my bed and then goes to sleep leaving me as I was. Later around midnight I go to get a drink but stop on top off the stairs when I see daddy carrying mommy and set her on the couch. Only seconds later there are Four men at the door. Daddy lets them in and takes them to mommy's sleeping body. “I didn’t know what else to do but call you Dumbledore.” “You made a wise choice Professor Snape.” I see the men do weird stuff with sticks and then I see something I will never unsee. I see mommy standing in front of a little boy and some weird no nosed man pointing a stick at mommy it glows at one end. Then he says something I don’t quite understand and this weird glowing line comes out of the stick. Then mommy is dead. Then the man turns to the boy. Says the same thing but nothing but a scare forms on his forehead. “I will kill you one day Harry Potter.” Then the weird thing ends. “Severus do you know who that was.” “Yes.” “That was Voldemort. This name must never be spoken ever.” Then the man leave with mommy's body and I go to bed. The next morning Alyona unties me and un duct tapes me . Then daddy tells us we have a step brother named Harry Potter and that mommy killed herself because he stressed her out. Alyona believe it but I knew the truth. I let her believe this though not wanting to break her heart.

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