Aylona's First Love

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His name was Shadow and we were only 9.


Alyona burst through the door of our room and plops an her bed. “Alyona why so happy?” “Him that’s what.” I have been sick for over a week with the flu so of course I have no idea who he is. “Who?” “Shadow.” When I look in her all I see is what might be love. But now I understand who she is talking about. Shadow is the only kid that is a to himself guy. So of course she would go for him. He has black hair with green eyes. I have no idea what she sees in him but i'm happy for her. After a week of them ‘going out’ I start to get jealous. Only because there is not a person in this school that likes me. I'm so to myself that if I was not me I probably would not like me either. Anyway I wanna experience that kind of happiness. After a month she dumps him no one knows why but she does. Thank goodness it's over I just like daddy think it was just a phase.

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