Aylona's First Date

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It was September 12 when she was 13 that Draco Malfoy had asked her on a date to where not even she knew


“Zja should I wear this outfit or this outfit?” Aylona held up two outfits one was a long black sparkle shirt with skiny blue jeans and black tennis shoes and white socks. The other was worst  than that one by a thousand in my Opinion that is. The second outfit was a black sparkle crop top with a short black skirt and red heels. “The first one with the black sparkle long sleeve.”

“Your so right I should wear this one, thanks Zja.” She put on the crop top outfit even though I didn’t say that one but I should have know she would go for the opposite of what I said and sadly we are Hogwarts students so daddy can’t tell her not to wear that one. Knock Knock Knock “Oh that’s him.” Alyona says with way to much excitement. I open the door and instead of Draco it is Emily Greengrass. “Hey Emily Greengrass what are you doing here?” “Where is Alyona I need to tell her that Draco is here.” Alyona walks to the door and pushes me out. “Thanks Emily, Zja sorry but you have to go now.” I leave and walk back to my dorm. You see Alyona when we where chosen she ended up a Slythrin and I became a Hufflepuff. So I’m not aloud to stay in the Slythrin doorms unless a Slythrin has invited me in there dorm. When Alyona was done with the date she texted me to meet her out side the Hufflepuff house entry. So I waited and after like ten minutes she appeared. “Wait hang on Aylona lets walk around instead.” “Why?” I can’t tell her why so I use the normal Hufflepuff excuse. “Well Slythrins aren’t aloud in the Hufflepuff dorms what so ever, sorry the Hufflepuff master says so.” She tells me about her date. She went to the black lake and had a midnight pick-nick with Draco then they made out the end of that. I walked to her place then left to mine. Now what happens in Hufflepuff is another story I will tell one day.

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