First Time Meeting Harry Potter

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I was only seven when Alyona and I meet Harry Potter.


“Girls re you ready for schools?” “Yes daddy I am.”  Alyona sounds cheerful despite our mom's death just one year ago. Unlike her I say nothing. I never got over the fact that mommy died and probably never will. Daddy walks us to the bus and we get on. After like forever the bus finally reaches the school. After breakfast we went to class. I never thought that school would be so awesome. I thought daddy was a teacher for this school. Thank goodness he isn’t though. I don’t think I could go through the day with him as my teacher. Ever since mom's death he just looks at me like i'm going to disappear just like her. Finally it's lunch and recess. When me and Alyona get out side we go straight to the swings. But Alyona stops half way there. When I look at her she has such hatred in her eyes. I look at what she is looking at and see Harry Potter. Before I know it Alyona is dragging me towards him. He turns and sees us and waves like there is nothing wrong. Like he is an innocent boy (witch he is). Before I can stop Alyona she is on top of Harry beating him up. I try to pull her off but she turns on me. “ARE YOU GOING TO STAND UP FOR THE PERSON WHO IS THE REASON MOMMY IS DEAD.” Then she starts hitting me. Finally the teacher pulls her off. They send us all to the office. A man named James Potter picks up Harry Potter. Daddy comes for me and Alyona. When we get home he doctors me up then turns to Alyona. “WHY DID YOU HIT YOUR SISTER!” “Sorry daddy, I mean Aja.” For a whole year I avoided Alyona. Only later did we found out that she is unable to control her anger.

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