eleven - tears mix with blood

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MY HEART FEELS EMPTY after separating from my allies. I know they're safe from the lack of cannons, but I'm still worried about what could happen to them.

I walk along the sand alone, kicking the sand out of my way. I miss them, even though I know I shouldn't. I think about the two cannons that just sounded as Laine, Fung Fung, and I were parting ways. I hope Eunice is safe and sound.

Eventually, I find my way to the South Area, hiding in the bushes and reorganizing my supplies. I hear a rustle behind me, and turn to see Eunice peeking out from behind a tree. We embrace in a tight, warm hug, and continue exploring the beach together, hand in hand. I feel some warmth and happiness reuniting with my best friend, but obviously, the arena isn't the best place for this. Only one, or none, of us, will be able to get out of here alive. I hate the Prime Minister. I hate Byrok. I hate these Games.

"Urgh!" I scream, throwing a knife into the sand. Two people with their backs to us reveal themselves, turning around at the sound of my frustrated scream. Charlotte Levine and Nathan Thatcher. My classmates. Feeling that fighting in a group is safer, we quickly build a temporary alliance. Charlotte and I search for edible plants on the island while Eunice goes to the beach to collect water, and Nathan stays behind to guard the camp and our supplies. 

Suddenly, I hear an agonising screech. "CHARLOTTE! G-" cries Nathan, and I run back to the campsite as fast as I can. 

Charlotte screams in rage and charges toward Atlas and Leo with her knife. She punches Leo a few times before he easily knocks her onto the ground and takes her knife.

They force Charlotte onto her knees and make her choose whether to kill Nathan or me. Charlotte refuses to kill at first, but Atlas holds the knife closer to Nathan's throat, further blocking his windpipe. "You better make a decision quickly," says Leo.

Charlotte takes a glance at Nathan, who has been slightly released, then slowly picks up her knife and walks toward me. I knew that'd be her choice - Charlotte has known Nathan for way longer than me, and I suspect he likes her. I'd be surprised if she picked me over him, even if we've known each other since we were seven.

I close my eyes, thinking if this is going to be the end of my life, being killed brutally by my own friend in these Games that aren't even supposed to happen, bracing myself for the impact. Suddenly, I feel a push on my side, and I open my eyes.

Shockingly, I find Eunice leaning on my legs with a knife in her stomach. She stares at me, eyes wide and hand out.

And for a second, all of the moments we shared flashes before my eyes.

The moment we became friends - her fingers skated across the table like it was nothing hard - and I wanted to learn how - became us skating on the lake. 

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