thirteen - reminiscence

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— ZOEY —

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"WAIT!" I cry, as Kunboss walks away from me to get the berries. I see the water approaching from afar. "Kunboss! Come back!"

But it's too late. The flood comes nearer and nearer, separating the arena into two wedges. "KUNBOSS!" I yell, but my efforts are futile. I am separated from my only ally, possibly the only one I can trust in these Games. I watch in horror as Kunboss is swept away by the current, disappearing into the water, holding only his large backpack.

The wave of water crashes over me, and I struggle to stay afloat, desperately kicking my legs and taking deep breaths to keep my composure. The water fades into the tree line shortly after, and I continue to walk through the East Area, leaves crunching under my boots.

I spot a big leaf pile, and decide to make camp in there. It would make a good camouflage spot. As I dig the leaves apart and sit down, something squishes under my bottom. I look down to see a green backpack buried there. I unearth the backpack as well as some knives. Inside the backpack, there is a half-full bottle of water, some meat jerky and dried fruit, as well as a small first-aid kit. I hug the bag close to me, and bury myself in the leaves. I take the dried fruit and nibble on it, while I think of how I'm going to get through this without Kunboss.

Night falls and I stay fixated on the sky, wondering where Kunboss is and if I'll be able to see him again. The fanfare plays, and an announcement is made. Since there are only 10 tributes left, daily voting will be cancelled. I look up at the sky and quickly fall into a deep sleep, preparing myself for another day ahead.


To make the games more "interesting", of course, the Gamemakers had to do an arena event. Shortly after noon, the arena floods over, and Zoey and I are separated. I'm completely unprepared for this. We've been together ever since the start of these games. I didn't know that they would suddenly wash us apart, but this is Byrok, I guess. They could do anything they want, and no one would care. We're just pieces in their Games.

The water retreats, and I walk alone, wandering in the woods with the large backpack I received. My feet trail on the mud, and I kick leaves as I walk, humming to my favourite song. It makes me feel a little less lonely. I keep thinking of Zoey, and my promise to keep her safe.

I stop for a moment and look up at the sky. The sun shines brightly over a blanket of white fluffy clouds, and I can't help but smile at the beautiful sight. The pretty scene just makes us in the arena even more pitiful. Each and every one of us probably feels like a prisoner here, wondering how much longer until we are set free. But in this arena, there's nothing called 'free'. Either you kill to live, or you die.

I see a bright orange backpack in front of me and look around to find its owner. I walk towards it cautiously, still trying to see if the owner is around.

"YO! I'M HERE," a familiar voice shouts. I struggle to locate it, and I look up and down, finally to spot Gwyneth perched in a nearby tree. She waves into my face, and jumps off of the tree. I run towards her and embrace her in a tight hug. Her familiar face immediately makes me feel like I'm home. Truly home, with one of my best friends. 

Gwyneth pulls away from the hug.

Her hair is in a mess, unlike the usually organized and pretty girl back in the Adelaide Woods. She looks like she's been through hell and back. She quickly combs through it and ties it in a plait ending shortly below her shoulders, making her look more presentable, but I can tell she's not really okay mentally.

"Kunboss Bailey. Nice to finally see you in the arena. I was getting worried," she says with a smile on her face, and we shake hands before sharing another heartfelt hug. It's a nice feeling to be around someone who always understands me no matter the situation, despite it being in this cruel arena.

Gwyneth and I're in the same year at school although I'm a few months older than her. Naturally, best friends can relate to each other. We do our friendship handshake before bursting into laughter together, attempting to make the arena less serious. We spend the night telling jokes and reminiscing about the times before the Adelaide Woods was invaded. 

It feels nice to be able to laugh again after everything that has happened in a span of only a week. This reminds me of one of our childhood sleepovers. The only things different was that Zoey was here with us, and we were actually at home. Not in this arena, where only one of 24 can get home alive. The night passes peacefully and slowly.


I stay with my alliance and we watch the death toll together. Today, only Charlotte died. We have mixed feelings about Gwyneth still being alive. I don't want to face her in the final fight, yet I'm relieved that no one has managed to kill my friend. Gwyneth is mentally strong, and she's smart too. I've seen her throwing knives. She's quite good. I believe she'll last but I don't want to face her. Hopefully, she dies peacefully so I at least have a chance. Our alliance gathers and continues to talk about our strategies now that there are only 10 tributes left. We will stay together until there are only 5 of us left, then we'll separate. We'll go in different directions and try to eliminate the other two. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and one of us can go home.

We also discuss about the things our enemies might be planning, if indeed Atlas and Leo are our enemies. Come to think of it, we are all merely just pieces in Byrok's game. The people who we truly need to fight against, are Byrok themselves.

Although it's a long shot, I have to try. For my family's sake.

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