Another Boy

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~Back at school~

When I returned to my dorm, I sighed in relief. Being at home is nice when your mother doesn't go haywire.

The first thing I need to do, now that I'm back is go check up on my favorite teacher and try to raise my grade.

I quickly changed my clothes and found the main Hall where some kids were standing around.

It is early in the morning, so not many students come down these halls unless they need to see someone.

  I walked past room 207, until I reached room 505, when I crept inside I saw him sitting there shielding the sun from his eyes and typing on his run-down computer, with his 1960s ratio playing quiet music right next to him.

"Aww Ms. Marianne, if I knew you were coming I would've tidied up the room sooner," he said putting his crooked glasses down on the wooden table.

I grinned at him, Mr. Neil the 76-year-old teacher has always known our family, he has been kind and helpful, especially during the times we needed it the most. So seeing that I was having a hard time on an easy test definitely must have been concerning.

"It's alright, I've seen it worse." he let out a breathy laugh and motioned me to sit down.

When I took my place he took out my paper "I apologize if I caused any arguments at home with my letter. I was just concerned."  he said with his worn-out breathy-deep voice.

"It's just I've never seen this happen to you, even with the topics you don't know ..."  he handed me the test and on the front, I saw a big 'F' in red.

I was embarrassed, the reason I failed was probably because of how distracted I was with Charlie, or maybe I'm just stressed with all this pressure my mother is putting on me all the time.

"It's alright Y/n you don't need to dwell on the grade, it happens to the best of us." he took a sip of his tea and relaxed into his chair with his hands linked together and legs crossed.

I looked up at him and he sent me a caring smile, "I failed" he nodded his head at me "Indeed you did. But don't fret, I will let you retake it."

I sat quietly, I knew I did badly but I didn't think I would get an 'F'.

He took out a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to me, "Y/n I know how much pressure is put on you at home, your family always expects so much from you at such a young age. But failing at things is normal and helps you get better ... I wish your mother would know that too"

I smiled at him, "Now I'll give you an hour, so it's best if you start thinking."

I looked down at the paper and started to fill them out. When I finished I handed the paper to him. I sat down and waited for him to finish grading the test.

After 10 minutes he looked up at me and grinned "You do much better when your head is clear."

He handed me the paperback and I spotted an 'A-' written at the top by the date.

"Thank you Mr. Neil I appreciate you letting me retake this test." he swatted his hand in front of his face.

"Some people need second chances when they deserve it."  I stood up from the desk and bid him a good day. I walked out of the class and down the hall with a smile on my face.

~Time skip to Lunch~

I stood in line with Hailey and Adam, we talked about the last class we had which was History with Mr. Neil.

"I can't believe I failed the test." Adam groaned and smacked the test that he held in hand.

I snapped at him "Gimmie." he sighed, leaving his mouth open a little and he handed me the paper and looked away.

~Him~ (Charlie Conway x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now