Saturday Refresh

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Saturday morning yoga then 

a hot ginger tea

steam coming off of my cup

mixed with lime and honey 

Staring out the window 

watching my neighbor's plants sway

looking forward to 9 AM

and the rest of the day

The palm tree outside 

moves with the wind

The colors are lush 

I see them through my screen

Today, I restart

what I have paused for a while

Today I hit refresh 

and begin the walk through a thousand miles

The sun looks welcoming 

even without a word

It invites me to come closer

to see what I have only heard

That 'the morning heat is healing, 

it can make you feel new,

the sun is your friend and ally,

in your search for the truth.'

So I went out to let the sun

prick my skin as it should

The feeling of restarting 

is right here where I stood

Today, I restart

what I have paused for a while

Today I hit refresh

and begin the walk through a thousand miles...


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