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These are things I know to be true

not a million, not a thousand, only one then a few

For three decades of existing I haven't learned that much

Ignorance remains to be the biggest crutch

In love and war, mind and heart run bewildered

Stumbling in the dark, a faint light is all I can gather

Today, I turn another year, another year I am older

bolder, equipped, dressed in better armor

Made of what I know to be certain and true

Let me start with one that works like an old shoe

Love comes without a warning, love goes with no goodbye

not even a fortune teller can tell the hows and whys

but each time it visits, it bathes you all anew

The old is gone, there comes birth to a new you

Freedom is a treasure, a diamond to behold

the crown to every war story every book has ever told

Flying through the sky on a lovely autumn day 

without care for hands and cages to clip your wings away

Work is a task to be done with everything you got

easy money and credentials, praises and whatnot

"Work is love made visible", says the wise Khalil Gibran

Value is made through the work of our hands

Time passes quickly like a bike's spinning wheels

regardless of what you do, think, eat, or feel

The clock's hands will keep moving, repeatedly, and again

Time may be your worst enemy or your greatest friend

A flower blooms and dies according to its plan

The waves move and flow, forward then back to sand

Following a natural order, this world cannot be stopped

not power nor catastrophes can halt a raindrop

In the next few decades, I will still be here

around with more truths as death's shadow comes near

For today, I rest with what I know for sure

Figuring out every step as I open more doors

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