Young Lady

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A young lady with a bright smile

held on to childhood for a long while

Screaming, plates flying, when she closes her eyes 

She clung to the past for a long while

As years passed, her essence shined through

The young lady became the woman no one knew

Her mind, her heart became the clue

to the puzzle that gradually grew

Her silence hid a meaningful tone

whenever she stares by her window alone

In her dreams, she staggered among stones

then unleashed the power from her throne

Through words, she held the world in her hands

knowing exactly where she, as a woman, stands

It is words that catapulted her to to the land

of fantasy and wonder and other worlds of man

This woman, who was a young lady before

had grown to be a beauty no one could ignore

Words from her mouth sound like poems and lore

Listen, take heed, you shall ask for more

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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