Part 1: preparing for the collab

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Minho POV:

I was sleeping peacefully, just then, my alarm went out and completely destroyed my beauty sleep. Ughhh whyyyy. Until I realised, the collab with that Han Jisung guy. I looked at the clock, 6:00am. I needed to get up.

I went to my bathroom, took a shower, and changed into my clothes. After that, I went downstairs to make my breakfast. Just some basic egg and bacon along with some rice, only a little as I got a very strict diet schedule. Anyways, I went to brush my teeth, put on my shoes, gathered my stuff for my job. Just my most needed stuff, like water, a bit of lunch, some clothes, etc etc.

I wonder what he looks like.

"Oh shoot, I have to be there at 7. It's already 6:30. Aishhhhh" I thought to myself. So what did I do? I ran, it was close to my house anyways.


Jisung POV:

I was preparing my stuff before leaving. I checked my watch, 5:30am. My house is very far away from the company, that's why I leave so early. Looks like I got my necessities, lets get going.
I walked to the bus station and waited for the next bus. I missed mine as soon as I reached it.

Oh look! It's the bus! Gotta hop on!

As I looked through the window, I thought about the other actor I'm gonna meet. I remember his name is Minho? I kinda forgot. I wonder that his visuals are like, I wonder if he's pretty. I was so zoned out onto my thoughts until I heard this.

"Next stop! xxxxxx Street!"

Oh god, I immediately rang the bell and they stopped in the closest station. I got off and than walked. It was 6:30. Made it on time atleast. I walked in the building, seeing my close friend Seungmin (A/N: Seungmin in the building) talking to his staff. I waited for him to finish his conversation with them so I can talk to him like I always do.

"Hey Seungmin in the building!"

"Hey! I thought you're gonna meet another actor?"

"Not right now, 7:00am to be exact."

"Oh, I got a photoshoot in a few minutes. Catch you later!"



Welp, that was a kinda awkward convo, I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. It was on the 4th floor. In our company, they handle singers, artists, models, and actors. And each of them are composed into this type of pattern.

Floor 1-2:
Singer/artists rooms
Ground floor lobbies
Ground floor cafeteria
Waiting rooms
Ground floor photoshoot rooms
Register/enrollment for the jobs

Floor 3-5:
Actor rooms
Middle floor lobbies
Producing rooms

Floor 6-9:
Model rooms
Art/music school practice
Actor + model photoshoot rooms

Floor 10-13:
Rooftops/top floor lobbies
Top floor cafeteria
Fashion/model top floor classes
Actor practice room
Movie theatre
Concert/music stage
A place where you can get fresh air

There you have it. The whole list. It's pretty long right? Well this place IS huge. It's very easy to get lost as there's always busy, sophisticated people walking busy through the hallways. And the hallways sometimes are very confusing. Thank god we have signs. Like for example:

Actor rooms ➡️
Photoshoot rooms ⬅️
Elevator ➡️
Studios ⬅️
Middle floor lobbies ⬅️

More examples:

Elevator ⬆️

Thats all I'd show you, the rest are for next time.

I need to reach the actor rooms. Thank god they were nearby. It was 6:49am. 11 minutes early! Great, now time to enter. I kinda hesitated a bit, then twisted the door knob. Revealing my company staff and some other staffs from the same company talking things out.

"Good morning Mr Han! I forgot to tell you, we work in the same label under a different company. Explains why we wanted a collab after so long."

I stood there, frozen. these are people that work in a different company, yet under the same label? Why didn't they tell me this sooner? Oh my god, today is gonna be a long day.

I then heard someone open the door.

"Just in time!"

"Hello ceo/pd nim."

I'm thinking this is the guy I will collab with? He looks so pretty.

"I suppose you are..."

"Han Jisung. Great to meet you."

"Lee Minho, same here."

We shake hands.

"Now you guys get to know each other while we talk. The shoot will start in a while."


We just sat there and talked, then we started the shoot. Maybe today won't be so bad after all.

ᰔ 𝑴𝒆𝒕 𝑰𝒏 𝑨 𝑲-𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒂 || Minsung (REWRITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora