~Chapter Four~

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Note: The story will mostly be in the third person POV unless stated otherwise.

First Person POV

I was so happy when my mom told me that we were going on a picnic. I rarely went out because my mom still thought my dad would try and take me away from her.

Even with the judgment of the court over the case, my dad still wanted to be with me and it hurt me a lot.

Their divorce was a heavy blow to me because I never expected that such thing would ever happen. I was so confused and sad that I cried every single day throughout the whole process.

My life had become a darker version of what it used to be. We moved to a new apartment where I was later told, belongs to my step dad. I didn't hate him but he could never fill that void and vacuum which my real dad's absence had created.

I became so angry at every thing. I hated my life, not until I started to accept my fate as it was. My step dad was into illegal business and it prompted us to always leave and find a new place to live.

But I never lacked, I got everything I ever wanted. My mom gave me all her love so as her new husband but their love wasn't good enough for me. I never had friends, because each time I got one, we would have to say goodbyes because we couldn't stay at a place for long.

However Mike, my step dad was able to get us a house far away from the city. With no neighbor, friends or anyone to talk to. Very close to the mountains, on the south side of Megapolis. Animals, birds and insects were all that kept me company.

He had said that this would be the last place we'll stay and that we'd never leave. I believed him because even with a large city like Megapolis there were little or know life out here. The only people I had seen were just old couples that lived on the this side of the city. People who probably didn't want to leave the country side but stay and farm, ageing more and more till they couldn't breathe no more.

I didn't want this kind of life, but yet I find myself wallowing in it with no plan of leaving. Even if I did leave there was no place for me to go. Moreso if I left, my dad will be held accountable for what he didn't do and this is something I'd never want to happen.

My dad was so devastated when he lost me to my mom. I was told that throughout that week, he had locked himself up without coming out.

I pushed back the tears threatening to spill as these memories kept flooding in. But remembering that I was at least going out of my prison for a day, cheered me up.

I had just finished packing up all we needed for the picnic and was sitting patiently for both of my parents to come down so we could leave.

I was already impatient. Though dad had said that we will have the picnic up the mountain. I wasn't dissuaded because it was better staying confined in this place I have come to know as my home.

I never left the surrounding areas of the house. It was one of the first rules my mom had told me when we first moved in here. And ever since I had always remained in my room where I still feel protected from the outside world.

It was in this same room that I took my lessons. I couldn't go to school because there was obviously no one around, so I took online lessons at home.

I heard footsteps and took a glance up the stairs. Mom and Mike came down clinging around each other. I looked away and stood up, picking up my bag as I stepped outside.

"Nova darling, is anything the matter" Mom called after me.

"Eh.. no I'm totally fine, just nervous." I replied looking back at her

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