Rise of the Knights

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After returning to Gorm, our heroes are now in the tower just minding their own business. Both Eron and Ikor are playing a board game. Trek is sleeping out of boredom. Aoki is meditating. Riff is searching the walls of the tower untill Ikor bumps in.

Ikor: Riff mind telling me what nonsense are you trying to start now.

Riff: Just searching more secrets we didn't notice in the tower.

Ikor: And since when you are interested of learning history already.

Riff: Just wanna see any new things that maybe lead to a new adventure

Trek wokes up and Said

Trek: Don't you want to rest from all the adventures, we barely even getting any sleep like that time we we're at the Rock Castle and it was midnight

Aoki: Trek's right Riff all of us are pretty tired already so why won't we-

Riff: Found something!

Aoki: Nevermind

They all went to Riffs spot and saw a sword carved on the walls

Trek: How didn't we notice this before?

Eron: Should any of us touch it?

Ikor: And leading us to certain doom, not on my bucket list today.

Eventualy Eron presses it and the tower began to shake

Riff: What's happening!

Aoki: Something is wrong the tower!

Ikor: Everyone brace yourselves!

As they were ready for something the tower stop shaking. They all sigh in relief as Trek went outside to breath fresh air and was suprised by something

Trek: Uhh guys you might want to check this out.

What did our heroes find this time, stay tune for the next episode

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