The Trial

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A/n: You know I was kinda hoping for at least a lot of questions but since only one of you sent a question I'm gonna cancel the QnA until further notice.(Don't worry I won't forget about the first question)

Now our heroes are now back again in the castle as they were at a courtroom because Riff is now going to be put through trial. The courtroom is just like a normal courtroom only the judge is replaced with the King and the five tribe leaders

Bohu:The trial shall now begin!

Everyone stood up and we Riff tied up and beside him is a random forest gormian who is supposedly his lawyer.

Tasaru: Unknown Fiery you dare snuck into our kingdom, and try to fight me to the throne and also my sister! This action is unacceptable and must be punished heavily.

Bohu:Do you have anything to say in your defense.

Riff: Well.

Riff looked at his friends and Gloria for a moment while thinking about a lie.

Riff:To be honest, I didn't sneak into this realm my pretty terrible luck just bought me here.

Afar the Knights were dumbfounded.

Riff:I mean I was just on a normal camping trip 'alone'
and accidentally found this place .

Ikor(in disguise): Does he really think anyone is going to fell for that?

Back to the front Riff's lawyer stood up.

Lawyer:You see your majesty, this boy just accidentally found our realm unintended and we are now blaming him for this and beside are we really going to give a heavy punishment to this boy right here. If I may have a suggestion we just give him a minimal punishment and we let him go with ease.

Acacia leader: He already saw everything in this kingdom so why would we 'let him go with ease'? The secrecy of this realm would be at stake!

Lawyer:Wow that is pretty bad.

He went back to his seat and Riff whisper to him again.

Riff(Whisper): What was that, I thought you said you were the best lawyer for this?

Lawyer (Whisper):Look kid, I didn't expect for the outcome that I would agree so sorry.

Tasaru:If there isn't anything else I will discuss with the leaders about your punishment and for now you will be locked away until sunrise.

Bohu:The court is dismissed.

At the castle. The knights and Gloria are currently discussing about what to do before the day Riff gets his punishment.

Ikor:What is wrong with him, first he wants us to follow you to this realm, then he tries to challenge your brother. I swear there's something wrong inside his head.

Aoki:We can discuss on what we will do to Riff after we get out of here okay, calm down.

Ikor look at Gloria for a moment

Ikor:But still, why did you allow us to enter this realm if your people hate outsiders.

Gloria looks down for a moment and looked at her necklace.

Gloria:It wasn't always like this

We see the forest realm except there wasn't a wall there.

Gloria: Along time ago the Forrest realm was like the other realms you could visit. Our people would treat anyone outside the realm with great hospitality regardless of their background.

We see gormians from all realms visiting the place chatting with it's people

Gloria: It was a paradise of peace and prosperity. But when the war broke out, our people tried to keep the peace, but we end up getting dragged into the battle. In order to prevent more casualties, we built this wall and we stayed hidden. Forgotten by the other realms as if we never existed.

We see a time lapse of the wall that surrounds the forest realm being built until the present day.

Flashback end.

Even though most of our people have moved on some still believe that this place could still become the paradise it once was. My father was one them as he used to travel outside the walls by secret and he would bring me along.

Trek:So the reason you ventured outside the walls is because...

Gloria:It is the only way I could remember him and made me believe if we could turn this realm as it once was.

The knights looked Gloria after understanding her reasons.

Eron: Okay that was pretty sad but are forgetting that one of us is currently in captive. Just imagine what kind of punishment the king would give.

Trek:But the prison is heavily guarded so there's no way we could break him out.

Gloria: Actually we could.

Gloria pulled out a map and show it to the knights.

Gloria:Our kingdom was built over many passages I use to sneak out and from my room there is one that will lead us to the prison.

Aoki:So all we need to do is dig a hole and can leave the realm undetected that's brilliant.

Gloria: We also need to cover up the hole to not leave any evidence.

Ikorr:But if the guard found out that Riff escape what will happen next?

The knights and Gloria went silent for a moment.

Gloria:Now that you ask, it seems my days of venturing to the outside world will come to end then.

Aoki:But that means...

Gloria:I know, but this for the sake of you please don't try to find this place and try to forget that I ever existed.

Trek:We may never come back, but you will always be our friend.

Eron:Ooh I know Gloria could be our honorary member.

Eron took out his sword and stood infront of Gloria.


Gloria was confused but did it anyways.Erom then placed his sword on Gloria's shoulders

Eron:Rise our honorary knight of the forest.

Gloria chuckled and stood up

Gloria:Now I'm one of you let's plan the escape.

As they all start to plan Trek went to Eron.

Trek:So where did you learn that.

Eron: When your a big brother to a pair of twin sisters, usually you would tell them stories and besides Ikor isn't the only one who knows chivalry.

Back at the tower
On the Altar where there were only three swords left one of swords began to shake a little.

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