The hidden realm part 3

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SeeLater a huge celebration is going on in the forest kingdom as all the people are dressed up for a special occasion because the prince of the forest shall be crowned as the new king and we can see our heroes are now with Gloria and her mother Forera.

Forera: It's nice to know that my daughter has finally made friends.

Gloria:What can I say? These ones seem interesting to me.

Forera:And who are you going to pick as your future husband?

Gloria: Mother, please don't talk about that infront of them?

Forera:Why not, your father was like that when choosing a bride (sigh) may he be blessed by our ancestors in the astral plane.

Riff(in disguise):Hey sorry for disturbing the moment, but where are we going?

Forera:I thought you'd have known about it?

Riff looked nervous and regreted about asking the question.

Gloria:He usually is at the end of the group so couldn't actually see.

Forera:Is that so, well then boy you're about to see something breath taking.

Finally they reached a water fall. We can see two soldiers closing up the water fall revealing a section where there is land to stand on. Then a middle-aged gormian came out of the bushes and stood infront of everyone.

???:I am Bohu son of Botan, and today is a special day for a special someone which will lead our people to a great future, I give too you prince Tasaru.

A gormian somewhere between 19-20 walks out of the waterfall with a spear and shield.

Bohu: It is tradition, every new king must be challenged by his people to prove themselves worthy either yeild or death. Who wishes to challenge Tasaru?

Drums are being played as an elderly woman stood infront.

???:The Oak tribe will not challenge today.

A gormian similar to Tasaru's age came.

???:The Acacia tribe will not challenge today.

An old man came.

???:The Mangrove tribe will not challenge today.

A woman came.

???:The Cherry Blossom tribe will not challenge today.

Another gormian similar to Tasaru's age came.

???:The Jungle tribe..... Will not challenge to day.

Everyone gasp on what the Jungle tribe leader has said.

Ikor(in disguise): Gloria, what's happening?

Gloria: Every coronation, a warrior from any tribe must challenge the new king and it's mostly the Jungle tribe who challenges the most but today they're also not fighting.

Tasaru then came to Bohu and whispered in his ear.

Bohu(whispers):Are you sure?

Tasaru nodded.

Bohu:I have a new offer, anyone who defeates the prince will not only have the throne but also a hand in marriage to the princess.

Gloria was shocked to hear this.


Bohu: What it was your brother's idea.

Gloria glared at her brother for doing this.

Riff(in disguise):I will challenge him!

Everyone looked at him with a 'are you serious'

Ikor(in disguise):Riff what are you doing?

Riff(in disguise): What, this is finally my chance to win Gloria's heart.

Aoki(in disguise):By challenging her brother that could snap you in half.

Riff(in disguise):Calm down, you guys worry to much.

Bohu:Come brave warrior.

Riff then came and Bohu gave him a spear. Bohu then whispered to his ear.

Bohu(whispers):Good luck.

So the battle begins as both Riff and Tasaru fight, the knights along with Gloria were watching while worrying and at the same time impressed with Riffs performance.

Trek(in disguise): This is something unexpected.

Eron (in disguise): You tell me. He's doing pretty good so far.

Ikor(in disguise): Didn't you hear 'either yield of death' because I'm sure the price won't be yielding very soon.

The fight continues as both are dodging and try to land a hit on one another.

Tasaru:May I ask, why are you hiding your face?

Riff(in disguise): Just to keep this handsome face away from any scratches.

The fight is still ongoing with Gloria still worrying for Riff. An outsider who convinced her to show him her hidden realm. As the fight continues Riff accidentally slip and fall of the waterfall with a vine hanging on his leg. He looked down and saw the trench which leads seems to have no bottom.

Riff(in disguise):Aaaaaahhhh!

Tasaru:Hold on boy!

Tasaru ran and pulled the vine that was tangled on his foot and soon was able to pull him up.

Riff(in disguise):Man, who though it was a good idea to use this place for your coronation.

Tasaru:To be honest, I don't know.

Both were exhausted after their fight and Riff accidentally took of his disguise infront of everyone.

Riff: Why is everyone looking at me.

Tasaru: You're a Fiery?

Riff soon realized he took of his disguise and a group of female guards come running and pointed their spears towards him.

Guard: Don't move!

Riff touch the tip on one of the spears.

Guard: Don't touch.

The other knights can now look from afar and watch as Riff is taken away to the Castle. What will be the fate of Riff and how will Gloria and the knights help.

Sorry for the long wait, stay tune of a special chapter coming soon and Merry Christmas.🎄

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