The Bright as the Light

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After defeating Furioz the knights are now training under Ikor's teaching since he is the only expert in close range attacks.

Ikor: Now focus the user instincs must be as sharp as the sword itself not to fast not to slow just the right moment and

He slices the tree bark in half smoothly

Ikor: Any questions?

Riff raised his hand

Riff: How come your the only one to use the sword and we get to use wooden swords

Ikor: Because all of you have no experience now lets begin.

We first see Trek who is trying to hit Ikor but was triped over by him. Next we see Eron who is dodging every attack from Ikor but was whacked on the head. And finally Riff who gets hit at the back before he did anything.

Ikor: Thats all for today's lesson you may rest.

Ikor walked to the tower before sigh. Aoki went near him

Aoki: Maybe your going a bit to harsh on them, I mean it is their first day.

Ikor: I know it just since we are all knights it is a big responsibility and I can't afford loosing all of you.

Aoki: So what are you planning for tomorrow?

Ikor: I'll think of a strategy to train them perfectly.

After that a portal apeared and soon a monster comes out.

After that a portal apeared and soon a monster comes out

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???: These are knights that defeated Furioz. Shadow warriors destroy them.

Shadow warriors rise from the ground and ready to attack.

Ikor: Everyone get ready, Aoki stay here.

The knights began to fight. We see Trek who is hitting as many shadow warriors. Eron is still dodging but was able to hit some of them at the right moment. Riff is still struggling to defend himself and eventualy he is saved by Ikor

Riff: There's too many of them.

Ikor: Trek summon a gormiti now.


Four giant rocks rise and break revealing the rock gormities


Karak jumps and apeared in front of them.

Karak: I've been waiting a long time Trek, ROCK PUNCH

Karak punches the ground causing a shockwave destroying most of the shadow warriors.

Trek: Karak now


Karak shot a powerful beam destroying all of the shadow warriors.

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