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Sky's P.O.V
O god they wrapped me up pretty good. They got my arms, hands, waist, chest, left knee, shoulders, legs, and ankle. Seto healed my face halfway and there was a cut, so a nurse stitch it up. It was the burns from those creatures. I got them all over my body. I walk into the Training Area. Lisa looks at me. She didn't see how I ended up yet after I got out of the hospital. Misty, Ash Danny, and Echo look at me.

"O my god Sky. How badly did you get hurt?" Lisa asks.

"They are all burns. Those creatures they burn you if you touch their skin and I did."

"Why didn't you try to avoid there skin?" Ash asks.

"Because then it wouldn't be Sky who was fighting. He lives to get hurt." Echo said.

"Not true."

"Totally true Sky." Echo said. Not really. Okay I guess it's kind of true. But that doesn't matter.

"Okay it might be true."

"Exactly how much of you was burned?" Ash asks.

"Um hands, face, arms, ankle, leg, back, and shoulders. Stabbed in the chest. O and I shot myself in the knee with a lightning bolt." They look at me shocked.

"It was an accident."

"Sky I'm just surprise sometimes that you are still alive with the injuries that you get." Echo said.

"Me too." They leave but Lisa.

"Sky I'm just so happy that you didn't die." Lisa said as she hugs me. I put my arms around her waist. She puts her forehead on mine. She looks upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lisa said.

"No what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I got to go." Lisa said. She kisses me and leaves. She's hiding something.

Lisa's P.O.V
Misty pulls me aside.

"Did you tell Sky?" Misty asks.

"No." Misty covers her face with her hands and looks at me.

"Lisa you have to tell Sky. They are coming tomorrow." Misty said.

"I couldn't. I couldn't get the words out to tell him. It could break his heart."

"And what will break his heart is if he finds out himself. Lisa." Misty said. It's almost 9 p.m..

"Well I'm going to make this night useful."

"What are you going to do?" Misty asks. I go to find Sky.

Mitch's P.O.V
Quentin comes in. He stops.

"Jerome, Mitch aren't you suppose to be training recruits?" Quentin asks.

"It's almost 10 and yes we should if we had any." Misty comes in.

"Jerome and Quentin out." Misty said. They were about to argue when Misty glares at them. They leave. Misty comes to me. She sits down in a chair next to me.

"Misty-" She grabs me and pulls me towards her and kisses me. I kiss her back. She puts me back in my chair. What the heck?

"Sorry I just had to make sure." Misty said.

"Of what?"

"That you were still mine." Misty said.

"I always will be Misty." She looks at me. She sits in my lap sideways. She puts her head on my shoulder and her arms around me. She puts her feet on the chair I'm on. I put my arm around her legs and my hand on her leg. She smiles and I smile. She closes her eyes. I kiss her forehead and close my eyes.

WarZone: Book 3 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now