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Sky's P.O.V
When will I get out of here? I'm in chains and cut up. If this is what I get for protecting Lisa I'll take it. But I want to get out of here. I fall onto my knees. I have nothing but my clothes. I have no idea where I am. I look around. There is nothing here living but me. I'm like on some type of platform that is chained to the ceiling and the platform moves if I do. There is nothing under it but a black abyss. There it some railing on the walls with a exit that is taunting me non stop. Cause it's right there and I'm no where near it. I stand up and the platform move. I grab a chain that's attached to it. Did I mention that there is a hole in the ceiling that's right where I am.

"O look he's finally up." Someone said. I look at them. What the hell?! Herobrine.

"No I killed you."

"No you didn't son. But I can kill you. In the real world Sky your in a coma and if you die here you die there too." Herobrine said. No. I have to get out of here.

"Where am I?" Herobrine walk along the walkway.

"Your in the Queshire Dimension. It might sound not that bad Sky but people who fall in certain types of comas that are very rare like you did it's very very hard to wake someone up from it. The Queshire Dimension shows your worst fears and also if you get hurt it shows up on your real body, if you die you die in the other world and if someone kills you in the real world you'll be trapped here forever." Herobrine said.

"How are you here?"

"Because I made this dimension Sky. Now you could wake up at any moment but I doubt you'll be able to sleep at night." Herobrine said. He disappears. I hate him so much.

Echo's P.O.V
"How is he?" Robert asks.

"Still asleep. He'll wake up soon. What did you need?"

"Follow me." Robert said. I follow him.

"This might be creepy but we found this in the school." Robert said.

"Are the students still in school?" I walk next to him.

"No. We took them right out of school. For the ones who found it we have if you want to talk to them." Robert said. We walk into the school. We walk down the hallway.

"School. Never liked it."

"You went to school?" Robert asks. I look at Robert.

"Yeah for like 5 years and Stacy was teaching us." There's a black powder on the floor and the school grows darker.

"The powder was found but we don't know what it is." Robert said. Some people are here. I kneel down and pick up some of the powder. My eyes glow. I hear a heartbeat. I drop it quickly and stand up. My eyes turn normal.

"What's wrong?" Someone asks.

"Everyone out now."

"Why?" Robert asks.

"Robert everyone out. Even you. Just trust me. If this is what I think it is then get out. And turn off the lights." They leave. The lights go out. The North Village is the closes to the Forbidden Forest. This powder is found only in the Forest by a specific type of creature. And if it's in the school then we are all dead. I follow the powder trail. I pull my hood up. Light from the windows come in. I stop and look around the corner. I hear something breathing heavy. I look down the hallway. More of the black powder and blood everywhere. Wait. I turn my head. I back up. It's right there. Three Synths. They sort of look like tigers. They have have a black fog around each of them, on four big paws with huge and sharp claws, black and gray striped fur, about 3 feet tall and 9 feet long, fangs that stick out of it's mouth, and red beating eyes. I back up.

WarZone: Book 3 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now