Girl on fire

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Since I met Iris it was like she was born in fire. She had a fiery attitude. Anytime anyone made fun of me she was there to protect me. For that, she made them regret what they did or say about or to me. That's what I admired about Iris Marie-Lotus.

Even though I haven't seen Iris in a while, It is a bit crazy how she comes to my mind more frequently now I moved back to love-heart, Louisiana.

1 day later...

2 days

2 days passed as quickly as summer. School started so I did my routine. Brush my teeth, wash up, pick out my clothes, eat breakfast, then go to school.

My first period was the gym. I was the first one there. Then two boys came and sat next to me.

"Hey I'm Eli and this is Miguel," one said.
"Hey, I'm James," I said.
"Nice, you must be new, but you look familiar"
"Well I was in this district when I was younger but I left " I replied.
"Well welcome back," he said.

Then more and more students walked in. I looked at the door and I saw her. Iris Marie-Lotus was shorter than I expected. She still had very dark brown skin. Still had long eyelashes. Still had glossed plumped lips. Her eyes were still big and dark brown that could be black but in the light a beautiful shade of light brown. Iris was still Iris, my Iris. Then, my seven-year-old self blew up inside. My stomach filled with butterflies. That Iris, my Iris was in the same room as me once again.

The next part is published

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