The Heart's edge

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     After the party I went straight to bed. SHE KISSED ME. Iris who I knew since I was 7, kissed me. Wait maybe I'm exaggerating all of this. Maybe it was like a friend thing or something. All night I thought about her. As I was about to go to sleep I heard a knock on my window. I looked and it was Iris with a black eye. Now it all made sense. Why she was covering her eye all day? I ran to my bedroom door and Locked it. Then opened the window and let Iris in.

She was shaking"I know this is crazy to ask but can I sleep in here tonight?"Iris said with a shaky voice.
I said without hesitation "Of course".
"I can sleep on the floor," she said.
"No, I insist sleep on the bed".  I said
"How about we both sleep on the floor you on the opposite side of the bed?" She said.
"Fine," I said. "But you have to tell me what happened to your eye".
"Remember how I said when we were younger that my mom took the hits for us as children," she said.
"Well she couldn't keep taking those hits so we started taking them for her. She's getting real sick James, I don't know what it is but we plan to take her to the hospital soon as we can get the money".
I took Iris's hand and guided her to sit down and I put on her favorite movie we used to watch when we were little. And I held her. Held her as if she was glued to me and couldn't let go. Then I felt a teardrop on my arm. And I knew who it was. It was Iris's. Then my nose flared. Iris deserved better. She never has done wrong to anyone. She was nice to everyone. When she saw someone getting bullied she stood up for them. Saw someone in need? Helped them. Iris was the nicest, prettiest, smartest, and most talented the person you could ever meet. How could anyone hurt her?

When I came back to school everyone was talking about the party. "It was a RAGER", "Yo that party was dope", and even the school's "gossip girl," thought it was a good party with loads of drama. I mean, it always is with teenagers getting wasted. Then I saw Iris. And her black eye looked almost gone. "Iris, your eye," I said confused. "Makeup is a blessing right," she said with a slight chuckle. I grabbed her hand and we walked to class.

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