Yandere Cheater Wife x Male Reader

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Do you guys know the doujinshi Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku. Yeah that your wife hisato.


[ 3rd Person POV ]

You and your wife hisato are a happy family. And in 3 months it was your wedding anniversary.

You two are almost gonna hit thirty so you two decided to have a baby after the anniversary.

Then it happened you made a mistake on your work. You and your wife went to your boss office to discuss the matters at hand.

After talking for a while, your boss made an arrangement. Your wife has to be his private secretary. Hisato pushed you to accept the offer and you hesitantly agreed.

After a while you were assigned a business trip, You left your wife alone. What you didn't know is that your boss was actually having s*x with you wife.

It went unnoticed by you for a while and then it happened. You were Again assigned another business trip to Osaka.

[ Your POV ]

'ugh I'm so tired and i was assigned to another business trip again.' i thought to myself.

While i was driving i remembered that i forgot something back at home.

I quickly stop and went back home. When i got there i saw that there was a car pulled into the driveway.

I noticed it was my boss's car, i quickly got out and went inside. Then i heard it, i heard moaning upstairs i slowly walked up. Thinking to myself that this is just a dream.

Then i stopped infront of our bedroom. I opened the door slightly to peek, and my worst Nightmare came true.

There i saw my wife getting banged by my boss. I saw she was loving it, my world slowly began to become blank.

I closed the door and quietly went back to my car and drove away. I was sitting in my car with my lifeless eyes parked in a parking lot. 

I was crying intensely, and then my phone rang and i saw it was hisato i didn't answer the phone and just left it ringing.

After a while of crying i started my car and continued driving. I informed my parents that i might be dropping by and they happily agreed.

" I'll miss you... Hisato "

[ Hisato's POV ]

While i was having s*x, Kyouzou-san was forcing me to call Y/N so i did. But to my surprise he wasn't answering, i tried again but nothing. After a while i gave up and continued the sexy night.

Morning came and Kyouzou-san left, i tried calling Y/N again but still nothing. My worry grew by the second. I was was walking back and forth in the house while still trying to call Y/N.

Then something shiny caught my eye that was infront of our bedroom door. I looked closer and saw it was actually our wedding ring.

" Wait if his ring was hear then "

The realization hit me like a train. He saw me and Kyouzou having s*x, Regret and Guilt filled my head.

Then an idea pop up in my head, i took my phone and dialed Y/N's sister's number.

It was ringing and it was answered.

" Hey Sis have you seen Y/N? "

(Her Sister-in-law and your sister)

There was silence then she finally spoke.

Akane: You fucking whore Don't you fucking call me your sister? And don't go looking for Y/N he's safe with us his family.

"... B-but I-im he's f-family t-too "

Akane: Don't make me laugh bitch. You were never part of his family since the beginning. I knew, i knew something was wrong with you when Y/N introduced you to us.

" ... P-pl-plea- "

Akane: I hope you're happy Hisato, but i must thank you.

After she said that she hanged up on me. I dropped on the ground on my knees while crying.

" I didn't mean to hurt you Y/N. Please don't go away. Please come back "

Then my phone vibrated and i got a message. I quickly opened it thinking it was Y/N but, it was not. It was Kyouzou.

Now she had nothing but pure hatred towards the man, then something snapped inside of her.

" Don't worry Y/N after i do this you'll comeback to me. And if you don't I'll force you to comeback "

[ 3rd Person POV ]

Hisato then stood up, and saw a picture of her and you hugging. She took and planted lots of kisses onto it.

Then a laugh was heard throughout the house it was sounding maniacal. Hisato slowly made her way towards the kitchen and took a knife out.

She then went outside, she had a somewhat happy smile. But under that happy smile there was killing intent behind it.

She then texted Kyouzou to meet up to a nearby hotel. Which he happily agreed.


They met up in the hotel, and rented a room to stay. But unbeknownst to Kyouzou, Hisato wasn't there to have s*x. No she was there to kill.

They went up to the room and Kyouzou began to strip. Unknown to him, Hisato went behind him and pulled out the knife she hid

Then she stab him in the back, after that she threw him onto the bed.

Kyouzou: W-what the hell are you doing.

Hisato: You! You brainwashed me and now Y/N isn't with me anymore. And for that you have to pay.

After she said that she made sure that Kyouzou had a slow and painful death.

" Now just to find my darling Y/N "

{ The End }

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