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Gerard's POV

Three hours later we finally made it back to our prison cel-I mean room. Only because Bob here got scared everytime there was even a peep or, he saw his own reflection. So of course I had to calm him down, which wasn't easy. Whatever he's on they need to double the dosage.

"Okay Bobby-boy if you're gonna be living with me I have a few guidelines ok?" He gives a quick nod.

" Rule number 1: You do not touch anything that belongs to me. Especially my sketchbook."

"Rule number 2: You do wake me up or disturb me in any way."

"Finally, this is one I cannot stress enough you do not, and I repeat DO NOT talk shit about my music. Understood?"

"Yes" he says in an almost inaudible whisper. It sorta breaks my heart, he's like a lost puppy in the rain. Mabey I should try to be nice to him.

But before I could even start a conversation, Lindsey just barges in like she owns the place.

"Mr. Bryar you have an appointment with Dr. Wentz. If you'll follow me." Lindsey turns on her heel and walk out, Bob not too far behind.

Well at least now I have some time to myself.

Reaching on the side of my bed, where I keep my sketchbook, I pull out the worn leather book. Opening up to a clean page.

I was just adding some fine details to the face of my new creation when.....


The alarm goes signaling that someone in this horrible institute went bezerk. So now all of us have to stay locked in our rooms.


Great I can feel my headache coming from that loud racket.

Suddenly one of the mail nurses comes over the P.A and tells everyone it's time for bed.

Guess I'll find out what happened in the morning.

In the morning I get up and do my morning routine. When I can't help but feel that somethings missing. It's probably nothing Gerard, forget it.

Just as I was pulling my shirt over my head, Cathy decides to waltz right in.

"Jesus Fucking-Christ do you guys not understand the basic concept of knocking."

Rolling her eyes she speaks.

"Come one Gerard time for your appointment." No shit I've had one everyday for six years straight.

As we walk down the hallway a sudden thought pops in my head.

"Hey, what was with all the commotion last night?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." She says with a mischievous grin.

We reach the office and part our different ways. As I walk into the office I'm not greeted by the perfect smile of Wentz. But by the back of some random stranger.

"Who the hell are you?"

The stranger jumps obviously startled by my sudden outburst. He turns around, with an almost in humanly white smile.

"Ahh, you must be Gerard I've heard a lot about you." He walks towards me.

"Yeah I'm Gerard, but who the fuck are YOU." Now I'm getting annoyed.

"Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Frank Iero I'm your new doctor." Frank reaches his hand out to shake mine. Only then do I notice the letters tattooed across his calloused fingers.

"Wait, new doctor what happened to Wentz?"

"Oh Dr. Wentz had an unfortunate accident with another patient. A Mr. Bryar I believe."

That's what was missing this morning.

"What kind of accident?" I question

"Well I'm not suppose to say, but let's say hypothetically a certain doctor may have been stabbed with a pen, by a certain patient. After calling said patient mentally unstable." Is that why Cathy was smiling, the sadistic bitch. I love her so...

   After Frank says that I kind of zone out and take in his appearance. He's kinda short , a good three inches taller than me. With a petite, but muscled figure. His hair is sorta combed back but still goes down to his shoulders. Moving on to his face, now that is a sight worth looking at. His lips are plush and pink with a lip ring in it. Which is always a turn on. He has a nose ring, and oh my god is that eyeliner. That's not even the best part his eyes are a beautiful greenish in the center with a golden trim.

Now I could get used to staring into those.

"Ahem-" he smirks pulling me out of my day dreaming.

"See something you like Gerard?"
It's back

Sorry about any spelling mistakes and whatever. Putting that aside you may have noticed my new beautiful cover for this story. And you can thank MillionsofBureaus for that. She made it for me and I just love it so much. I couldn't be happier.

So fare wins

~boob squeeze

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