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Frank's POV

"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."

"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."

"Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved"

"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."

I groan and squint my eyes at the sunlight leaking through my curtains, as the sound of Smashing Pumpkins wake me up.

God Love this band , but I fucking hate it when they wake me up.

I force myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom to relieve myself. careful as not to trip over any of the clothes, records, and comics that cover my entire floor. I should really clean this place up sometime. But I remember that not only am I single, but have no life, and no roommate so no one to come over. So... who the fuck cares?

Once inside the bathroom I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and cringe. My hair framed my face in long greasy strands, my cheeks are too hollow, my ribs stick out, and my skin is entirely too pale. I have huge purple bags under my eyes, in general i'm just not the best looking.

Gerard would never fall for me.

Wait, what? Why am I thinking about a patient at my job, that I'm about to be late for. Shit. Rushing through the shower, completely forgetting to turn on the hot water, causing me to scream like a twelve-year old girl as the stream drenches me. I then race into my bedroom to find an outfit that isn't stained or smells of BO. Wow I should really do the laundry. I decide against breakfast, and am out the door. Making to my Black Subaru , I start my car and let The Smiths blast through my speakers.


An hour later I'm still not at work. Wanna know why?

Fucking Traffic.

Seriously what is it with this state? Anytime one drop of water falls from the sky all Hell breaks loose.

Finally, another half-hour later I pull into the parking lot. Possibly getting fired on the second day, that's a new record. I attempt to walk in there calm and collected, and not like I just missed half of my second day of a new job. But of course Lindsey was waiting right at the door for me.

" Where the hell have you been Iero?" She snaps.

"You see what had happened was, there was traffi-"

"Bullshit all the roads are clear as ever."

" What are you talking about? You know what I know it's only my second da-"

"Exactly and you've already missed half the day!" What is it with women and interrupting?

" I know and I'm sorry, okay?!"

"Oh and Frank." i turn to see her smirking over her shoulder.

"Yes?" I really just want to get to my office.

"Gerard's waiting for you." And on that note she walks away.

Oh great now I to deal with the possible sexual frustration that may come. My life just keeps getting better and better.

The old wooden door creaks as I push it open causing Gerard to bolt up from the seat in front of my desk. He turns to see me and his shocked expression turns into one of relief, and then of confused anger.

"What the hell took you so long?'' He asks in a bitter tone, but his eyes shine with looks like worry and fear. As if me not coming caused him great pain.

"There was traffic. sorry to keep you waiting." I say as I walk over to my desk and sit.

" But look on the bright side. At least you're my only patient today so we can make up for lost time." Looking up I see that he just has this blank expression on his face, but eyes look like they're boring into my soul. To be honest I'm a little creeped out.

"G-gerard a-are you okay?" after moments of silence his nasally voice fills the room only slightly huskier.

"Don't call me that."

" D-don't call you what Gerard?''

"A patient. It makes me sound like I'm not a human being, like I'm just walking flesh hooked to machines and forced on various medications, and inevitably have no mind of my own."

I think I can feel my jaw hitting the floor. I would've have never expected that from him, as if he could hear my thoughts he looks up at me with a smirk.

"Wasn't prepared for that were you Frankie?''

"No I was not at ALL, and Frankie?" Just as soon as his cockiness came it vanished and was replaced by a blush creeping up on his adorable cheeks.

"Sorry it uh just slipped." His embarrassment is quite amusing but once again i have to refrain from chuckling as not to make him even more uncomfortable. Deciding that I want him to be more comfortable with me. I reassure that the name is fine and he can call me it if he so pleases. To which he promptly agrees with a jerky nod. I really want him to open up to me which confuses me. Usually I try to stay as professional and distant from my patients.

"So Gerard how are you today."

" Umm same as everyday I hate myself, I hate my life, and most of all I hate it here." I'm not really shocked his dislike for this god awful place, but his hatred for himself sends me spiraling.

"Why do you say that you hate yourself?"

"Are you kidding me right now? I mean seriously look at me my hair is stringy, long, and greasy not a great combination. I look like a fucking skeleton, with paper skin. Does any of that sound ay I remotely appealing to you. Another thing I'm the reason I have to suffer here. I couldn't have just been a normal kid for once." By now he's tearing up and it just breaks my heart. Gently reaching the desk i cup his face in my tattooed hands. He tries to recoil and hide his face, but my grip is firm but sweet.

"Gerard look at me." Obeying my command he looks up with eyes that tear soaked and scream fear, and regret.

"Gerard Way you are beautiful.Period. There is nothing wrong with your appearance it is one that many would be jealous of. It is not your fault you're fault you're stuck in this horrible institute. It's society's for not understanding such an exquisite mind like yours. I don't ever want to hear you say you hate yourself ever again. Understood.'' He nods silently tears still pouring out of his eyes. I hand him a tissues which he gratefully excepts.

"No one has ever said such kind words to me. Making me feel as though I wasn't insane."

"Well I meant every word and you're not insane you just misunderstood."

You're an angel.


My apologies for such a long wait but I have good news this week most likely tonight i plan on starting a new story so..... yeah

Fair Wins

Tori +_+

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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