Chapter One

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A/N First time using fonts so that's cool.
Quick explanation for the AU: basically like a flicker type thing (cough cough might be EndlessParadox_ 's idea cough)

Kreek's POV

I tossed and turned before waking up to someone else's bedroom. I quickly stood up, where am I? I looked around the room to see a security camera in the corner. Strange, it doesn't seem to be working. I got off the bed and saw some people that look very familiar..
Taking a closer look, I realized it was Pinkleaf and Pxyldev. Suddenly, they both woke up and were looking around. Just like I did. They turned to me and asked where are we, I told them I don't know where we are.
We decided to go out of the room and explore a bit, to our shock, a lot of people were laying down on the floor like they have been knocked out. A lot of people I recognized while others I didn't know but that's out of the question, why are we here in the first place?

Slowly, everyone woke up and we were panicking. Although, three of them were just standing in the corner, talking to each other.
They were the people that I didn't recognize, I wonder..
Anyway, what are we doing here?
Suddenly, a voice from somewhere started to speak.

Welcome to Flicker. A game of trust and betrayal, there are two sides. The good team and the evil team. Good team's mission is to eliminate the evil team and the evil team's mission is to eliminate the good team.
There is a piece of paper in everyone's pockets telling you what your role is, what team you are on, and what it does.
Everyone has a journal in their pocket too, when someone dies, you may check what they have in there.
Now, let the games begin.

"Wait! I have a question!" I said.
Go on.
"Can you share roles and can you exit this game?"
You can and you can't leave during the game. If you do, well you can see for yourself.
"I'm concerned but okay.?" I sighed and dug into my pocket. There was a journal along with a piece of paper that was folded and I went to a corner to unfold it.
Good team
Muffin man
Muffin man: you can give muffins to people at night.

Interesting.. I put the piece of paper and journal in my pocket. Sabrina and the three that I didn't recognize walked towards me.
"Hey Kreek! I'm pretty sure I didn't introduce you these three." Sabrina waved and stood off the side.
"Hey! I'm Rosalie, but just call me Rosa!" Rosa waved at me.
"Nice to meet you, Rosa."
"Amelia, come on. It's not that bad." Rosa nudged the person next to her.
"I don't trust him yet! You know I have trust issues, right?" The person that was supposedly Amelia said.
"Okay, okay. Anyway, they are Amelia. They can be a bit shy at first but trust me, they're a nice person!" Rosa said, despite Amelia's protests.
"I agree with Rosa. Anyway, I'm Endless."
"Nice to meet you all, but Sabrina why didn't you introduce me to them earlier?" I asked.
"Oh, I couldn't find you from the chaos but it's fine! Anyway, what's your role?"
"Let's not share our roles too early, besides we don't really know much of this 'game' anyway."
"Hmm.. Well, you can tell me whenever you want! So yeah, I'm gonna go to the other judges and go introduce these three to the others." Sabrina said before walking off.
"Okay.. Bye Sabrina! For now."

Everyone was doing their own thing, watching Tv, playing some games, exploring the inside of the house, etc. I was just checking Twitter and noticed the time. It was 9 pm. We should probably go to sleep, but how about our clothes? That was surely a problem. Suddenly, the lights turned off and everyone was panicking because about how sudden it was.

You may now use your roles.

What was that?! Well, I guess I can go give a muffin to Sabrina, besides I wanna know if Sabrina likes muffins or not.
I sneakily placed a muffin on Sabrina's head and silently giggled.

"A-amelia.. H-help.. I- can't b-breathe.." Rosa stuttered out.
Rosa then collapsed onto the floor.
Amelia was shaken by their friend sudden passing, they got down on their knees and started crying.
"No no no no, Rosa wake up! Y-you can't be serious!" Amelia was shaking Rosa's body, desperately trying to not lose their best friend.
"R-rosa, please! Y-you can't leave me like this! Please I don't wanna lose another friend!"
"Amelia.. I'm sorry."
Rosa smiled and closed her eyes.
"Amelia.. It's okay, well technically it's not but.. You know what, come here." Endless put his arms out and Amelia quickly took the hug.

"Heh.. So this is what a hug feels like. Feels.. Nice.." Amelia smiled. "I don't wanna let go.."
"Me neither." Endless said.
"I-I'm sorry, Endless."
"Why are you apologizing? You know none of this is your fault." Endless patted Amelia's back.
"No, it's not that. I'm sorry, I didn't keep the promise.."
"Wh-what?! What do you mean?!"
"Check my pocket after I die, okay?" Amelia said, tears falling down their face again.
"No.. It can't be. You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do, right?"
"I'm sorry."
Amelia smiled, and closed their eyes.
"No no no no no no no no.. This can't be happening, right? I don't wanna let you go. Not yet." Endless was still hugging Amelia's body.
"I'll get you out of here! I don't wanna lose someone again! No no no no.. I-I can't.."

Role: Twin
Twin: Two players lives are connected, that means if one twin dies, the other does too.

Endless couldn't stop crying the rest of the night. I still wonder what kind of promise they had.

Rosa died from the murderer and so did Amelia.
You now have 10 minutes to discuss who is the murderer.
Good luck!~

(Next chapter maybe tomorrow)

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