Chapter Two

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You have ten minutes to discuss who is evil.
After the ten minutes, cast your vote.
Good luck!~

Tanqr's POV

Endless couldn't stop crying last night, it was a lucky kill. Still, I feel bad. After all, I know what's it like to lose someone.
I'll lay low for this voting session, I don't really want to draw attention to myself.

Endless got out of the bathroom, not exactly sure why he was in there but I guess he needed some alone time.
"Aha. So. WHO FUCKING KILLED THE CHILD." Endless looked like he was about to murder every single one of us.
Everyone looked away, clearly trying not to look like they did something.
I looked away too, since I didn't want to be murdered.
"No? No one? Hm. I wonder.. Who would be smart enough to kill them both.." Endless was blankly staring at me. Fuck.. Does he know?
I decided to speak up.
"Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything."
"Oh I don't know.. I just have a feeling that it could be you."
"WHAT?!- Do you even have proof?" I somewhat panicked, how would he know anyway?
"Well, mind explaining why you were behind Rosa?" Endless was smirking.
I stayed silent, I didn't know he could see me..
"Cat got your tongue?"

You may cast your votes..

Sabrina's POV

That whole one on one conversation with Tanqr and Endless was rough but since we didn't know who else to vote, we voted for Tanqr.

All votes has been casted. The person with the most votes is... Tanqr.

"Wait what will even happen to m-"
Tanqr was interrupted by a monster sucking him in to the door to the outside.
We could hear Tanqr saying things about the outside world and saying it's not that bad over there.
He then suddenly went silent and we were confused.
The door opened up by itself and revealed Tanqr getting impaled by spears supposedly coming from the ground.
Blood was dripping down from his mask.
All of us stepped back, shocked on what we just saw and the door slammed shut.
"That. Was terrifying. I- don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.." Kreek said, shaken by Tanqr's death.
"Honestly, same but Endless. Do you mind if you let me borrow Amelia's and Rosa's bodies? I know this is a weird question but, may I?" I asked.
"Sure..? I'm not sure why you need them but okay.?"
"I'll show you at night, come to the bedroom. I'll lock the door so the others don't see."

The lights are flickering..
You may now use your roles

"Okay! Let me set it up.." I stretched and prepared the ritual.
"Are you sure this will work?" Endless looked at me with doubt.
"Yes! Well, have you seen what happened in this game? If that stuff happened, this will work!"
"Okay, if you say so." Endless folded his arms and watched as I did my ritual.
"しかばねの踊りの輪." I chanted and closed my eyes.
I felt my legs lifting up off the floor and chanted the line repeatedly.
I fell onto the ground, coughing out a bit of blood. I guess this is one of the side effects..

"H-huh?! Why am I alive again?! What did I do to deserve this?!- I-I don't deserve it!" Amelia woke up with panic.
"AMELIA! Oh my god, don't you ever leave me like that ever again! I was so fucking  worried about you!" Endless rushed to hug Amelia, which took Amelia by surprise.
"Endless..? Wait, am I dreaming? This isn't real! I don't deserve to live again! I don't wanna go back to the hellhole again. I don't-" Amelia started rumbling.
"Amelia, it's okay. It's okay. You're not dreaming. If I'm being honest, I'm just happy to have you here again." Endless smiled and started crying again.
"B-but.. I died, right? Who even-"
"Let's just say, Endless was crying really badly when you died so I wanted to help." I interrupted, scratching my head.
"...ha." Amelia smiled and looked away.
"Ow.. My head.." Rosa woke up and put her hand on her head.
"ROSA! I- heh. Look at me crying like a loser, YOU STUPID IDIOT! Don't you dare leave me! I-I-" Amelia kept stuttering and Rosa just hugged them.
"Amelia.. I'm sorry. I'll try not to leave, okay?"
Amelia just kept crying, Rosa and Endless were comforting them as much as possible. I decided to leave the room so they can have some alone time.

"Did something happen when me and Endless were gone?" I asked.
"No..? Since we did get rid of the murderer, I think we should be fine!" Kreek replied.
"That's true.."

No one died last night.
Shame, I wanted to see some bloodshed but it's fine.
Anyway, you have ten minutes to discuss who's evil.
After ten minutes, you may cast your vote.
Good luck!~

(There happy?)

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