Chapter Three

46 2 28

You have ten minutes to discuss who is evil.
Good luck!~

Amelia's POV

"Hah. Haha.. This is nice.. I've never been comforted like this.. Ha! Y'all are making me cry again!" I smiled as I feel my eyes swell up again.
"Nuuu don't cry! You're gonna make me cry!" Rosa smiled.
"We should go back to the others, they will probably be wondering why I'm here for a while.." Endless said.
"Oh right! They will probably be shocked to see me and Rosa alive again." I said, pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah.." Rosa said.

Eventually, the three of us got out of the room.
As I expected, everyone was shocked except for Sabrina who looked more tired than usual. I think that was one of the side effects that she was talking about before.
Everyone was asking me and Rosa how were alive again. We looked towards each other before answering, "Well let's just say, Endless and Sabrina did some black magic."
Everyone was looking at us with concern and slowly backed away.
"Wait.. Isn't voting time? What if we don't vote?" I asked, in thought.
Oh! That's a good question! Well, if you don't vote, every single one of you guys will perish. On the spot!
All of us were silent for a moment. We didn't know who to vote but yet, we need to vote someone in order to stay alive.
"WAIT! Let's vote ourselves since you can do that, technically! Though, I wonder what will even happen.." I said, avoiding everyone's eye contact.
"That's.. Actually really smart! Well, we should try that." Chizled said.

You may now cast your votes..

"Okay! Everyone, vote for yourself! It will mostly be a tie." I said, feeling a bit nervous and excited.

All votes have been casted. It seems like it's a tie. Well, since it's a tie, I will need to pick someone at random!

"WAIT!" Minitoon tried to run away from the door that was sucking him in from behind but he failed, miserably.
I could hear him screaming in pain, and I couldn't help but to listen.
The door opened and Minitoon was ripped apart into shreds.
I fell onto the floor.
"No no no no no no.. I-I- This is my fault, isn't it?!" I crawled away, slowly panicking.
I tried to control my breathing, but I couldn't.
"It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault-" I took off my hat and used it to cover my face.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's not your fault, you didn't know!" Endless rushed over to me and tried to comfort me.
"It's all my fault! It's all my fucking fault! All I fucking do is make things worse, not even make it slightly better! It's all my fault! I fucking killed someone because of my stupid plan! Why am I so fucking stupid?!-" I yelled.
"Amelia! Stop, it's not your fault. It was never your fault. It was a smart plan, we just didn't know what would happen next!" Endless said, trying to change my mind.
"It was always my fault, I-I'm a fucking murderer.." I muttered out.
"You aren't a murderer! Technically, you didn't do anything to Minitoon so you aren't a murderer!" Rosa said, trying to help Endless calm me down.
After a couple of hours, I passed out from crying.

(Help me I choked on pringles)

I woke up during the night, I was on Rosa's shoulder. She was checking YouTube and then she noticed that I was awake.
"Amelia! Oh my- Finally! Endless was going crazy!" Rosa said.
"What? What happened?" I asked.
"Let's not talk about that.. Anyway, he should probably be here any second now.." Rosa said, and as if it was on cue, Endless opened the door.
"Oh! Amelia, you're awake! How's your sleep?"
"It was okay? What even happened when I was sleeping?" I asked, pretty curious.
"Don't worry about that! Anyway, I have some information to share so let's go to the others."

No one died last night.
You know, assassin. You still have you a kill left. Use it wisely.
Anyway, you have ten minutes.
You know what to do after the ten minutes.
Good luck!~

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