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Once all of the initiates finish eating. Em and Jai meet us outside the cafeteria, they lead us to a large wooden door.

They both step in front of it and turn to us.

"Behind this door is your dormitory, this is where you'll be sleeping for the next few weeks," Em says, "you'll notice that there are ten beds and only nine of you, that's because we thought there would be more initiates."

"Wait, boys and girls have to sleep in the same room?" Brooke asks.

"Do you have a problem, initiate?" Jai asks, glaring at her.

Brooke looks at the floor and mutters something under her breath.

"Speak up!" Em angrily demands.

"I said no," Brooke says.

I try not to laugh, Brooke is extremely tall and has a big frame, but she looks so frightened by Em, who is a good head shorter than herself.

"Here are the rules," Jai says, "you need to be at training at eight every morning. It will be everyday from eight until six, with an hours break for lunch. After six you are free to do anything you want. There will be free time between each stage of initiation," he explains, "you are only allowed to leave the compound unless you are accompanied by a Dauntless member."

"There are three stages of initiation," Em continues, "the first stage, we keep transfers and Dauntless norms separate for training, but you will be evaluated together. You will also be ranked alongside them. These ranks determine which job you have after initiation and also determine who gets cut."

"Cut?" The other Candor transfer asks. I think his name is Harvey.

"Only the top ten will become full members of Dauntless," Jai answers, "there are twelve Dauntless borns this year and only nine of you. Four people will be cut after the first stage and the rest of the final test. Once you get cut, you leave the Dauntless compound and live your live as Factionless."

Everyone's reactions are different, but I just stand there and cross my arms over my chest. I have been planning transferring factions since I was nine. I have been through things with Marcus that Tobias hasn't and now I'm barely afraid of anything. If any of the others are doubting me because I used to be Abnegation, it just makes me want to prove them wrong.

I am brave. I am strong. And I will become Dauntless.

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