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"You do realize that this is unacceptable and I want an actual honeymoon"
I say, my head resting in Katsuki's lap as I fiddle with his hand.

"Of course I know, stupid"

"Y'know...now that I think about it, I realize that maybe the spark has died down...."

"Yeah...could be you're right. We better get a divorce"
Katsuki sighs and both of us start laughing.

"Just for the record"
He says.
"If you ever divorce or try to break up with me, I'll lock you in my basement."

"We live in a one bedroom apartment"

"That's a matter of speech. I can lock you up in the bathroom as well"

"You're creepy"

"And you're a pervert"
He sighs and pats my head.
"But I still love you"

"I hate you. I'm not a pervert"

He chuckles and leans down to kiss me, only to be cut off by the doorbell.

"That's the pizza. Put on a shirt"
I say and shove his long-sleeve in his face.

"Then you should put on pants"
He mumbles as he stands up.

"I'm wearing basketball shorts! That counts"
I get up too and grab Katsuki's jacket, pulling the wallet out of the pocket.

"Sure. I'll pay. No problem."

"Shut up. You make more money than I do because you flaunt how hot you are"
I say right as he opens the door.
The teenage girl that seems pretty familiar stares at me, completely stunned.

"Oh. Hi"
I say, nervously laughing as I wave at her.

"You know her?"
Katsuki asks, immediately put on jealous-guard-mode.

"Well yeah, I met her at a convenience store two days ago"
I say.

She stutters.
She's the one that was awfully talkative. I am officially worried now.

"You got the pizza?"
Katsuki asks rudely.

I hiss and hit his shoulder.

"Oh my god! This is insane! And, not to be weird, but you look so cute in that casual outfit! I'M GONNA DIEEEEEE!"
She squeals and starts jumping.

"I'm just...gonna take this"
Katsuki takes the pizza out of her hands and puts it on the cabinet on our side of the door.

"Could you maybe not tell anyone where I live?"
I ask, a bit embarrassed.

"Can I hug you? I'm gonna hug you"
She says, ignoring my question and hugs me tightly.

I laugh nervously and look to Katsuki for help, but he just looks away, pouting.

"So you're friends with a lot of the other newcomers? That's awesome!"
She says as she let's go of me.

"Oh and that ring!"
She says with a bright smile, her gaze fixed on the ring on my finger.

"Oh that's-"

"I had no idea you were ma...."
She cuts herself off as her gaze wanders to the matching ring hanging around Katsuki's neck.

"Ah fuck"
Katsuki sighs.

"You're g-"
I cover her mouth with my hand and look out in the hallway, checking and making sure none of the neighbors came outside because of her yelling.

"Maybe not so loud"
I whisper and let go of her.

"You're a gay couple!? AND MARRIED!?"
She whisper-yells.
"I absolutely loved both of you before but this changes everything! You're so much cooler now! Especially him! I always thought he was kind of a jerk but this changes everything!"
She's talking incredibly fast for some reason and running completely red.
She's gonna explode.

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