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I groan as I slam the door shut behind me and enter the empty apartment.
My head feels like it is about to explode, I can't lift my arms and I can't turn off the light.
I know Jirou and I said drills would be cooler than paperwork, but doing drills hungover? Never again.
I sit down with another sigh.
I look at my phone on the couch next to me, that has started buzzing.

I say as I answer.

"Hey babe, how are you doing?"
Katsuki asks.

"I'm fine. It's just that the sun won't turn off no matter what I do"
I say, then listen to him laugh at me on the other end.

"Alright. I'll be home in three hours. I'll make you some soba then, okay?"


"Okay gotta go. Miss you, bye"

"You too"
I say and hang up.
I sigh yet again and lay down on my side.

Out of nowhere, just as I was about to fall asleep, the doorbell rings, so loud, it sounds like I'm standing next to a damn church.

I say and force myself up.


"Hi hi!"
The guy infront of me says, a bright smile on his face.

"What do you want? And how do you know where I live?"

"Well, I just guessed you live with Ka- Bakugou. And I got his address from the agency"

"I see. And you're here why?"

"I wanted to ask if I could crash on your couch?"
He chuckles nervously, averting my gaze, probably out of embarrassment.


"Well...I was kicked out"

"Uraraka kicked you out?"

"Yes. Can I come in now?"

"Well I guess"
I mitter and let him inside.

"Want something to drink?"
I ask as I open the fridge.
"We have...water and water. Katsuki's going to stop by the store on his way back."

"I'm fine with water"
Deku says as he sits down on the couch, leaving his bag by the door.


I hand him a glass of water and sit down next to him.

"So. What happened?"

"Well....my work hours don't exactly match hers. So we don't get to spend much time together. And whenever we do, we get into fights a out my work. Plus, the press keeps disturbing us on dates and all"

"Ah. I see. And how come you didn't stay at anyone else's place? Doesn't Yaoyorozu have at least one extra bedroom"

"Iida lives too far away and Tsu and Momo are women, so staying with them would mean my girlfriend would get super mad at me. Plus, bad press. The public knows about our relationship after all"

"Guess you're right"

"But just letting me stay...won't Bakugou get mad?"

"He'll get over it. He hates you but he absolutely adores me, that cancels it out"

"Guess you're right"
He sighs.
"Bakugou and I have the same amount of work and problems with the media. Attention wise I mean. Don't you guys fight about it?"

"Oh yeah. Constantly. He doesn't get why I'm worried about the public finding out about us. He hates hiding out like this"

"How did you guys work through it?"
He asks and looks over at me.

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