Chapter 1

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"Do you think she'll like this Lacey?".

"I don't know but it's worth a shot. Casino get down here!"

"I'm coming geez. This machine of yours is heavier than you described it"

A cookie dazzled in lace walked up to the dusty machine. She went by White Lace Cookie and she had a splendid idea for one of her dearest friends. White Lace signaled Coconut Milk Cookie to hand her some water and a paper wrapped with ribbon.

"So how does this work?" A tall cookie asked. Casino Dust Cookie was extremely skeptical of White Lace's plan but he followed her every order.

"When the princess was sick she'd ask me to take over the job till she got better. That's why she asked the mechanic to build this once the day came. But I think it would be quite helpful towards our goal."

White Lace grabbed the container and poured the water inside the funnel. She then grabbed the card and laced it with a shiny powder. White Laced dropped the shining letter in a chute. Coconut Milk Cookie was excited to see the outcome of their work but what she wanted was the big golden button on the contraption

"If gonna keep acting like a child then you might as well do the honors" White Lace chuckled. Coconut Milk excitedly slammed the button as sparkling raindrops fell with some kind of note inside. "Sucess, now come one guys let's get to work."

-- Let's timeskip to the Creme Republic

It was pouring all over the Creme Republic but Clotted Cream Cookie had been inside all day filling out some forms. He suddenly heard a knock from his door. "Consul, I'm sorry about the intrusion but Crunchy Chip Cookie and Wildberry Cookie have been waiting to-" Financier was cut off by the short solider.

"Clotted Cream! You need to check outside something spectacular is happening. Crunchy Chip explained as he panted.

"Yeah he made us run all the way here. My apologies but you should probably look outside" Wildberry commented.

Clotted Cream signaled Financier to open the curtains and what they saw was astounding. Abnormal droplets of shining water fell towards the Republic and there appeared to be something inside.

"We found this. It's some kind of invitation. It played a message and everything." Crunchy Chip added. Financier went outside and watched a droplet hit her hand. It started to sparkle and form a letter. She brought it back to the Consul and waited for his signal to open the letter. "This has really peaked my interest. Let's open it."

She nodded opened the letter and it played a sparkling message.

"Hello fair cookies, you have all been invited to the Skylight Castle for Princess Cloud Sugar Cookie's (--wait how old she again...oh. damn she looks like she's 20) birthday gala. It will be held 2 weeks for now and we hope to see you there. Extra details will be written on your invite."

The letter soon revealed information about the gala and the princess. Clotted Cream thought really hard about leaving the Creme Republic but he relaxed he could use a break (otherwise all of hell would have broke loose). "Financier, I think we could really use that princesses help. From the sound of it this gala could allow us to gain some more help for the fight against Dark Enchantress Cookie. Don't you think so?"

"Consul, me personally I just want a break. You stress me out to much. Cuz if you die I lose my job so just sign the damn invite." Financier stated

"Wow that was very honest but I get your point." Clotted Cream signed the letter and four watched it poof away.

Sorry for the lousy end of the chapter..
If you have an oc just comment and I might them as part of the royal staff.

A Clouded Castle (Cookie Run + OC)Where stories live. Discover now