Toxic (Michael B Jordan)

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"I'm coming." You sent the text quickly to your friends before going to shower

Your ex boyfriend was meant to be at this house party so you knew how good you had to look

Doing your shower routine you hopped out knowing exactly what to wear.

When you were with him he brought you a dress he said he wanted to "fuck you out of" and you still hadn't worn it.

Well tonight was the night, it was a cute tight black dress that shimmered under certain lights.

"Woah Y/N"
"You look"
"Sexy" your three friends exclaimed one after another

You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face

"Thanks guys" you replied giving them all a kiss on the cheek as you entered the car

The car ride was quick and soon your friends and you spilled out of the car and into the house

The music was loud. Very loud but you loved it.

You greeted other friends and people you were friendly with in the living room.

There were people everywhere you turned you were almost overwhelmed. 

"Drink?" Sean one of your male friends asked signalling to the kitchen where everything was

You nodded taking his hand as he lead you to the drinks section

"Be for real" the sound of his voice was enough to make your breath hitch

You didn't look his direction but could feel his eyes burning into you as you tightened your grip on your friends hand

"What drinks that?" You asked pointing at his cup

Instead of answering he tilted it towards you so you could try it

As the cool drink slid down your throat you knew you needed to be a little bit tipsy if you were gonna stay for long

"I love. Make me one?" You smiled as you watched him make you a drink

Completely ignoring Michael you knew how annoyed he got at you being so touchy with other guys.

An hour or so had passed and you had a few drinks in your system you were dancing with Sean.

You placed his hands on your waist as you danced on him knowing Michael was still watching your every move.

After a few songs you flopped down on a couch with friends.

"Guys let's play a game!" One friend exclaimed

"That's so high school" another replied

"I don't care let's do it" your friend stated

Soon the people who wanted to play filled the room as you all sat around

You sat on one of the couches as Sean sat on the arm of the chair whilst your other friend sat on the other arm the rest of your friends were scattered.

You had avoided Michael thus far but he was directly opposite you now.

They had decided truth or dare was a good game. You had zoned out as different people had gone until you heard your name

"Truth or dare?" Y/F/N asked you with a smirk on her face

"Dare" you replied

"Lick Sean from his stomach up to his ear" you knew what she was doing you couldn't help the small chuckle that left your mouth

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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