Visit to DK island

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(Mario and Donkey Kong finally arrive at Donkey Kongs island from the boat Mario built.  Mario hasn't been to this island for a while.)

Mario: Wow it's been absolutely ages since I've stepped foot in this place. Life really comes at you fast. Good to be home DK?

(Donkey Kong smiles as he finally reaches his kingdom arriving at the beach section.)


(Mario stepped out of the vehicle and stepped foot on the island. DK followed him out of the boat.)

Mario: DK you mind showing me where I can find cranky Kong.

(Donkey Kong initiates for him to get onto his back as he helps him travel quickly. Ever since Donkey Kong discovered the golden temple which had one of the tastiest bananas he had ever eaten which was all gone now. Cranky Kong had moved there as it was very safe and secure and had more room unlike his old crib. He is the only Kong which knows English)

(DK took him through the ruins which had a few enemies which they both fought off. He had to go through the saves where there were still minecarts with diamonds all over the place. They travelled trough the forest which involved a lot of clinging and swinging from DK and more fights. Then they went past the cliff which was a really difficult place to get through and gave both Donkey Kong and Mario a nice tar bath. Then he went though the factory with a lot of Robotic chickens which were still around even after destroying the tiki tak tribe who hypnotised all the animals. And finally they went past the volcano which had a lot of near death experiences. And they finally arrived at the golden Temple which overlooked DKs entire jungle.)

(Mario jumps off his back and goes through the opened up door)

*Start Music*

Cranky Kong: (on his chair without looking behind him) I see you've finally made a return back to my Island Mario.

Mario: How did you know it was me? (Laughs)

Cranky Kong: Because only you visit my island and compared to DK you have small feet.

Mario: Fair enough.

Cranky Kong: It's good to see you again. But you finding me here in this temple can only tell me there's something that you want to find out from me.

Mario: Well I sure have never doubted your intelligence Cranky. Yes you are correct.

Cranky Kong: What would you like to hear about.

Mario: Alright so a couple weeks ago I found a gem on a mysterious island which I found out to be dream land. A purpleish pink gem which I thought was a regular one which I gave to my princess of my kingdom. Only to find out that this gem was very powerful. Almost completely destroyed my Kingdom. And I met someone who also has one of these gems telling me that there is more than one. So I would like to know if you know anything about these gems.

Cranky Kong: I see. You've discovered something very huge here boy. Let me just get this out. (He gets in his projector which was one of the only electronic thing he had in this temple.) This all started many years ago when I was young going around the world and the universe exploring. Myself, an owl named Langclaw and and Echidna named Locke. We discovered these gems. You said to me that you know there's more than one. There are a total of seven. Let me show you them. The one you have is the pinkish purple one which is called amethyst. The red one that you said someone had is the Ruby gem. There is also the peridot. Which is the green one. Diamond which is the silver one. Sapphire which is the blue one and there is also aquamarine which is the cyan gem. Now I told you that there were seven and I've shown you six.

(Cranky gets up and presses the button which opens a very well hidden safe. He types the code and he shows a yellow gem)

Cranky: This one here is the Topaz one. It is the yellow gem.

Mario: Whoa so you have a powerful gem as well.

Cranky: Oh yes. Now this is what you need to know. Each one of these gems are the 7 chaos emerald. They are all very powerful. When they are all out together. They make the Master Emerald. This is the most powerful thing that any thing across this entire universe has ever seen. Anyone who gets their hands on this will be able to do anything they want with their thoughts. It is a very dangerous and powerful weapon which is made from these seven gems.

Mario: So if the wrong person gets their hands on it they can cause damage to the universe.

Cranky: Oh yes indeed. And it is very hard for that power to be taken away from anyone. But as of right now. It is in good hands. As all the gems are very vastly spread out. Only three of the seven gems are here on earth. 

Mario: Wow I've learnt a lot here.

Cranky: You really have. The owls and the echidna used to have wars for this thing which is why when it got destroyed all the gems disappeared. I found the yellow on another island. And the other three gems we have here were also found before they were brought here. And they need to be kept safe. So I tell you while you have this knowledge. Stop a many people as you can from ever trying to steal any of these gems. And meanwhile let's take DK back home in the jungle. He is vital for the safety of our island and to protect anything from taking this yellow gem I have here.

Mario: That's good cranky I won't let you down. Let's take you home pal.

(Mario rides on DKs back as they head back down the island to his home in the jungle. From there Mario said his goodbye and left to head back to his home.)

So you already know where the chaos emeralds came from. Where do you think this all ends up going? Stay tuned and find out very soon.

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