Ch. 2 - Confrontation

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"Ayo, anyone home?" A hand was waved in front of Dreams' face, causing him to flinch slightly. He narrowed his eyes at the source, then let out a sigh. He had spaced out again... for like the 10th time since he had gone downstairs to eat breakfast. Sapnap was eyeing him wearily, almost as if he was afraid he might break if he said the wrong thing. That annoyed Dream, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Instead, he picked up the piece of toast and munched on it quietly, his focus now on Twitter. He heard his friend sigh. 

Dream knew that he was upsetting those around him with his mood change. It wasn't really his fault though. He didn't want to talk about the issue. In reality, he didn't even think he could talk about it. It wasn't something he could just openly discuss with someone, especially since he wasn't entirely sure what the issue was. Well, that wasn't true. He knew the problem. He was in love with his best friend and his best friend was both taken and straight. That wasn't the issue though. The issue was, was that he couldn't move on. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop destroying himself from the inside every time they spoke. Even after George had introduced Alana to them, Dream had struggled to grasp the situation. He had continued with his same antics of carelessly flirting and teasing his friend, but as time went on and he realized just how serious he and Alana were getting, his mood shifted. Everyone noticed, he just shrugged it off. 

He refused to out his feelings, although he was almost certain that Sapnap knew. Ever since Dreams' mood shifted, the brunet had stopped making jokes about he and George. In fact, Sapnap tried his hardest to avoid mentioning that sort of thing as a whole. He wouldn't be surprised if Nick knew. They had been best friends for the longest of times and they knew everything about each other. Honestly he'd be dumb to not just vent out his emotions to the guy to finally just say it so it wasn't weighing down so heavily on his shoulders, but he didn't. That was who he was. He'd suffer in silence until hopefully it stopped, but it was becoming painfully obvious that it wasn't going to stop. 

"Dude, you gotta snap out of this shit." Sapnap muttered, taking a sip of his drink and keeping his eyes locked on his friend. Dream looked over at him from where he was sitting, his eyebrow quirking up in question. Taking that as a cue to continue, Sapnap sat down his cup and turned his body so he was completely facing the other. "You've been different, Clay. You're barely even talking to George at this point. What's going on inside of that head of yours?" As Dream expected, Sapnap did have a bit of an idea of what was going on, but he wasn't going to assume. Assuming may only make the situation worse and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Instead he was just going to hope that Dream stopped being an idiot and just talked about it. It was less than likely though. 

"I've just been tired, Sap. I've said this like a million times." 

"Yeah, and it's complete bullshit and you know it. You've been 'tired' before," Sapnap raised his hands in quotations and scowled over at him, causing Dream to roll his eyes. Here came the lecture. "You've never just straight up gone silent during recordings and you sure as Hell don't avoid George. You two used to sleep in calls together and everything. What happened?" 

"He has things to do. That's why we don't sleep in calls together." 

"Another bullshit response, Dream. Be honest with me here, man. What the fuck is going on in that head of yours? Not like I'm going to tell anyone."

"Why are we assuming that something is wrong? I'm just tired. Can you drop it now?" Annoyance was starting to gnaw at Dream and he found himself clenching his phone a bit harder than normal. His eyes were locked firmly on Sapnap and it was evident by the look on his face, he was pissed. 

"Because you're lying and no, we can't just drop it. I'm sick of all of this moping around that you've been doing. You're destroying yourself and won't let me help you get out of it! We're supposed to be best friends. We tell each other everything and don't worry what the other thinks. That's literally the whole point of this friendship." Nicks' voice was beginning to get a bit louder. Dream could already feel his headache starting, but he knew that there wasn't a way to get out of this unless he came up with some fantastic lie. Problem was, he didn't have a cover up here and he knew Sapnap knew. What was the point? 

"Why are you skating around this like you don't already know? What, do you want me to just say it out loud? I'm not going to, so you can just get over that." Silence fell around them after that, an awkward one that Dream desperately wanted to escape. He was the cause of it and he wanted out of it. Even if he did just get up and walk away, he was 99% sure Sapnap would just follow him anyway. That and they lived together, so it wasn't like he could avoid him forever. After a few moments, he heard him sigh. 

"Look, no one judges you for how you feel. I'd be upset and jealous too if someone I loved was with someone else, but don't let it destroy your friendship with him. He's supposed to be here, living with us in a few months. Are you just going to avoid him the entire time?" That was something he hadn't even considered. Georges' Visa was finally getting approved and although they had kept it a secret from their viewers, it had been in the process for quite sometime. At this point, it was really just the waiting game. They had been so excited for it, but after everything happened, Dream had nearly forgotten. 

"What.. what if he brings her along?" Dreams' voice was soft, but so many emotions were mixed in with such a small question. He immediately looked away once he saw the look on Sapnaps' face. He didn't want his pity. 

"Then you find a way to deal with it. Clay, listen to me. I know that it sucks. I get that, but would you rather lose him forever? Come on. You've been best friends for over 5 years. Why are you willing to risk ruining that? I know you love him. I think everyone other than him knows you love him. We all support you. We're all here for you, but don't destroy something that makes you happy. Find a way to be happy for him. You'll get through this." Each word, each sentence he said made sense. He knew what his friend was trying to say, but it didn't make it any better. All of it was easier said than done, but he knew that he was right. He wasn't willing to risk their friendship over his feelings. He'd just have to try. 

"You're right." Dream stated, hardly trusting his voice in that moment. Sapnap could physically feel the pain that resonated in his voice, but he knew that nothing he said would help him. Dream needed to help himself. He would have to find a way to move on. Sapnap would have loved to see a happy ending for his friend, but he knew that George was happy with Alana. Apart of him always did question his other friends feeling for Dream, but it stopped after his girlfriend was introduced. There was still something inside of him that questioned those feelings, but it wasn't his business. His two idiot friends would figure it out. 


"So..." Alana shifted on the couch after their small little lunch. Her hair was finally dry from the downpour and she felt a lot more warm now that she was snuggled up to George. He was still quiet and she could tell he was still upset, but she had come there for another reason, not just the missed date. George looked down at her, offering a confused look. "We've been avoiding the topic of your Visa. You told me a week ago that you got it, but you haven't told your friends and we haven't really discussed what we're going to do with our relationship." Alana could see the discomfort slowly make its way onto his face, but she knew he'd talk about it now. There was a moment that seemed like the man was thinking before he moved himself away from her to give her his full attention. 

"I haven't told them because of us. They'll immediately jump on me to move to Florida the second I tell them I have it, but losing you doesn't really seem appealing to me." The words shot sparks up and down Alanas' body and she felt herself smiling. She knew he loved her. She just wished she had all of it. "I want you to come with me." The smile nearly dropped as quickly as he heart did. Moving away from London wasn't the most ideal thing in the world, but she knew she'd follow him wherever. She wasn't going to lie to herself there. The problem was, she feared for what would happen in Florida. She feared that once they were there, he'd realize his true feelings. That would leave her alone there. 

"George—" She reached forward and pressed a hand to his cheek, the smile that was once filled with happiness now transitioning to something sad. She could see the hurt in his eyes beginning to show, but she immediately pushed it away by pressing her lips to his. After a moment, she pulled back and rested her head on his, trying to find the right words to say. "Perhaps I can stay for a few months, then we work out something from there. I have my entire life in London. I don't want to lose you, so we find a way to make it work until we have a permanent solution. Besides, I'm certain that Dream and Sapnap won't want a girl living in their house as well." 

The words weren't the easiest for George to hear, but in some weird way it felt like the right thing for him as well. "That sounds perfect to me." The brunet returned the smile and pulled back, allowing them both to fall into the position that they were in before. He truly did love her, but she never did make him feel the way Dream made him feel. It was always so different with him. She made him happy, but Dream made his heart soar. She made him smile, but Dream made his world light up. It was wrong to think that way and he knew it. It was such a terrible, awful way to think. He hated himself every moment of the day for it. What he hated worse was that when his eyes closed at night, his mind and heart yearned for him. Not her. He ignored it though. He had since day one. He loved her, not Dream. That's what he told himself, at least. 

"Tell your friends about the Visa, George. Start your life like you've been wanting to do for years. I know you're excited to finally see what Dream looks like too." As Alana snuggled into him, her heart ached and his did too. What a pitiful world to live in to love someone they knew they'd never truly have. 


A/N: two chapters in one day bc im cool like that. Anywho, hopefully you like this! 

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